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    Reiki Infused Sound Bath

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    Event description

    Join Ally and Mariee on a journey of rest and relaxation.

    Using the frequencies of Sound and Reiki, you will be transported to a state of deep tranquility.  This offering provides you space to deepen your state of be-ing and allows your senses to melt into Universal one-ness. You will leave feeling rejuvenated and balanced after 90 minutes of self-care.

    What to expect:

    During the event, you will be led through a guided meditation and gentle breath-work before being submerged in Sound.  Ally will guide you on a vibrational frequency journey whilst Mariee will channel the restorative healing energy of Reiki to everyone in the room.

    Ally uses a combination of crystal and Tibetan bowls, flutes, tongue drum, tuning forks and her ethereal voice to transport you to another realm. During the session Ally will be channeling songs and sounds from Source, each note and tune intuitively woven into music medicine.

    Throughout the sound journey, Mariee will send the Reiki energy to each person to support the body's natural ability to rest, repair and rejuvenate. This is done by using both a hands on (lightly placing hand on body) or a hands off (hands hovering just above the body) technique.

    Following the immersion, you will be treated to a herbal grounding tea to integrate your experience.

    Who is this for?

    This workshop is for anyone who is ready to give their body deep rest and nourishment. It’s ideal if you wish to rebalance your energetic field and for those looking to get a taster of Reiki and/or Sound without booking in for a full treatment.

    What's included:

    • mat
    • bolster
    • cushion
    • blanket
    • eye pillow
    • herbal tea post immersion

    If you wish for more comfort we recommend bringing your own props to support your journey (eg extra mat/blanket/snuggly socks/journal & pen). 
    Please wear comfortable loose fitting clothing and bring your water bottle.


    Sound baths create a beautiful opportunity to slow down and appreciate your body's wisdom and ability to heal.  Sound therapy uses different instruments, vocals and sounds to improve physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Sound helps to shift our brainwave frequencies and is effective in not only achieving a state of relaxation but it also has a way of moving through blockages in the body. It has been known to help treat conditions such as stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, sleep disorders, pain and autism.

    Reiki is a Japanese healing energy that helps to restore and balance energy levels through channeling life force and Universal energy. It enhances intuition, spiritual growth and personal awareness, and is beneficial for a number of health conditions including stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and fatigue. It can also help with pain relief and promotes a healthy mental state. 

    About your facilitators:

    Ally (@Ally_soundhealing - Sound Of Ether)

    Ally Solomou is a singer, self-taught channeller, meditation facilitator and intuitive Sound Healer.  Ally is passionate about all things sound, and from an early age was musically inclined. She believes the power of sound and vibration is like no other, and is something that translates across all cultures. Her own experience with Sound Healing has brought her a deeper understanding of herself and as a sense of peace in life, and her mission is to now share this with her clients. 

    Mariee (@mariee.russell - Living With Love)

    Mariee is a Reiki Master & Teacher, Circle Facilitator and Women’s empowerment & transformation coach. Mariee loves to help others connect to their inner power and intuitive guidance and is a great believer that we all have the power within us to create change. You may experience a heat or coolness through her hands, feel waves of energy, or see visions. She trusts you will receive exactly what you need in the moment as the energy always flows where it needs to.

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