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    Rest & Reflect - Winter Solstice Gathering

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    Event description

    Join creative + community builder Leslie Carvitto and yoga teacher Jodie Burton for a nourishing half-day retreat to connect, reflect, and honour the Winter Solstice. 

    Winter Solstice celebrates the return of the sun and the gradual lengthening of daylight following the longest night of the year. It symbolises the balance between light and dark, and represents a phase of quiet stillness and introspection. As our energy draws inward, we’re given the opportunity to contemplate and integrate what the first half of the year has given us. 

    This event is also taking place a day after the full moon, a time of heightened energy and intensity. This is a great time to release and let go of what no longer serves you.

    Whether you’re craving space, divine guidance, or a deeper connection to yourself and others, you’ll leave feeling grounded, replenished, and in realigned with the Earth’s seasonal energy. 

    What you can expect from this event;

    ~ A grounding moon cycle flow followed by meditation and crystal sound bowls to settle into stillness 

    ~ Guided journal prompts to help you reflect on the first half of the year and what you want to carry forward + manifest for the next 6 months. 

    ~ Time to share your revelations and awakenings with other women in a safe and supportive space while sipping on LoveTea

    ~ Creation of an Earth Mandala to connect to the beauty of the winter solstice & mama nature 

    All ticket holders are automatically entered to win an epic prize package including; 

    -  60 min massage from State of Ananda Value $110

    - personal energy reading from Astrologist Brylie Gorman Value $111

    - Eco dyed hottie by Jinda Creates 

    - A personalised 1:1 Unravel session to support and guide you to unravel their body, mind and soul (in person on the Surf Coast or online) This includes a combination of meditation, movement and intuitive guidance using the unravel method: recognise, release, relearn and reflect. Value $175

    Please remember: 

    • Bring your own yoga mat, bolster, journal, and something to write with (there will be extra yoga mats and bolsters at the space if you don't have either of these or forget them 😌)
    • Wear comfy, warm clothing that you can move freely in. A cozy sweater and/or blanket might feel nice to have during meditation and journaling. 
    • Optional to bring an offering for the Earth mandala 🌸
    • Carpool with a friend if you can 🌏

    A reminder email will be sent a week prior to the event.

    DISCLAIMER: Parts of this event will be filmed and photographed. 

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