Annie Schulz is a mother of 3 + 1 son-in-law and a grandmother of 2, living semi off-grid. Annie created two businesses as the Mind-Body Awareness Therapist and the #1 Cleaning Faerie.
However, her passion is in the practice of learning, growing and sharing her self-healing journey from childhood trauma into a creative, curious, adventurous joyful life experience, with an empowered awareness of choice from moment to moment.
Annie loves travelling and exploring world cultures and beliefs, sharing her knowledge, wisdom, research and personal experiences in Self-Awareness, a variety of meditation techniques...including Vipassana (10 day silence and 100 hr meditation retreats), off-grid camping, herbal medicines, gardening, Self-Awareness techniques and tools, golf and just hanging out with her family ('her personal trainers') and observing them learn, grow and evolve on their life's journey.