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Sacred New Moon Cacao Ceremony Tuesday 3rd Sept - Conscious Wellness Collective

Event description

Hello Divine Souls, this is a special invite to come together to activate your highest abundant soul path. There is power coming together  around the New Moon to anchor in the divine creative energies and align with our highest intentions, creations & manifestations and choose a new version of ourselves to continue to walk our own expanded path & share our soul magic with the world.

I invite the Men & Woman to come together as we embody the powerful energies of the New Moon in Virgo. This is the perfect time to acknowledge where we are right now & connect to your highest self for divine guidance, to help you move forward on your path with more expansion, clarity & light. This is a time where everything is possible.

Are you ready to shift into higher timelines and fully let go of the versions of you and stories that have been playing on in the background and keeping you stuck in old patterns that are not serving your highest path of joy?

You are the New Earth, the light bringer, you are here to embody divine source frequency which is encoded in your unique soul blueprint.

When we come together in sacred space to set intentions, this amplifies the energy & helps you to shift your frequency & timeline to BE the highest version of yourself & anchor into the future version of yourself in this now moment.

Ashara will be guiding you to bring your nervous system into alignment with your hearts desires, to get clear on what it is that you are calling in & the version of yourself you will be stepping into through this portal.

We will drink Ceremonial Cacao to open & expand your heart and come into deeper sacred connection with your body & higher self. 

 You will receive light codes & upgrade your energetic body to align more fully with the next level version of yourself. The intention is for you to leave feeling free of all the limitations that are holding you back from taking your next aligned most expanded steps to call in the Abundance, Love & Joy that you know you came here for. 

There is an intense source of spiritual light, bringing prosperity, abundance, heightening of intuitive abilities & downloads from higher self.Let's do this together & magnify the power of connecting hearts & breath!

Included in your investment: $40 per person 

+Ceremonial Cacao 
+Nervous System balancing
+Light Language Soul Activation
+Connected Conscious Breath Work Journey
+Connection & Empowerment with other like minded souls
+Small intimate Group Space

Location: Conscious Wellness Collective, Tauranga

47 Devonport Road, next to Picadilly Arcade
Parking on street or in parking building on Elizabeth & Durham Street,

Please allow a little extra time for parking and to arrive so we can get started on time.

You are welcome to come anytime from 6.15pm to settle in.

Ashara Rose x

Ashara Rose is a Soul Activation & Embodiment Coach who has been guiding circles and bringing souls together to share the medicine of Ceremonial Cacao for over 5 years. She helps you see your highest potential beyond past limitations. As an intuitive guide and Light Language channel, she uses tools that speak soul to soul for healing and alignment. Her intention is always to empower you to embody your infinite frequency and activate your most magnetic self in life, money, love, and soul purpose.

Ashara Rose will be serving her favorite high-frequency Ceremonial Cacao, activated with Light Language. You can read more here. Pure Ceremonial Cacao is used as a heart-opening medicine for safe awakening, revelation, and inner healing. It is used in a sacred medicinal ritual where intentions are set. Once consumed, euphoric states are unlocked, negative emotions are released, and we can connect to ourselves and the loving energy within our bodies.

More about Light Language:

Light Language can not be understood by the logical mind, it is received by the heart & consciousness. It bypasses the logic of the brain & speaks directly to your soul.

 It is an energy & frequency transmission with light codes channelled from higher beings & divine Source. It is an umbrella term used to describe various languages of other dimensional beings such as the Galactic Light Beings, Acturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans & Andromedans as well as forgotten civilisations that existed here on Earth such as Lemuria and Atlantis. Most importantly, Light Language is a potent, powerful spiritual tool similar to other forms of sound & energy healing. 

It is a healing that works on a vibrational level, on the physical & subtle energetic levels.

It awakens memory in your DNA & you will receive the healing exactly where your body, mind & soul needs it at the time.

Read more:

MORE ABOUT CACAOI will be serving my favourite high frequency Ceremonial Cacao, activated with Light Language you can read more here
History ~ Cacao ceremonies have actually been around for thousands of years, originating all the way back to Mayan and Aztec traditions in Central and South America, used for spiritual, medicinal, and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance. What you can experience during a cacao ceremony:A heart-opening journey of oneness, love, and ecstasy

+ Healing therapy – releasing blocks, recognising patterns, following your heart
+ Finding a connection to your highest self, your own power, and truth
+ A shamanic or spiritual journey
+ A space to enter into meditation – being able to silence the mind, connect to the wisdom and spirit within you
+ A balance of masculine and feminine energies in the body
+ Enhanced creativity
Raw cacao has been used for centuries to heal the mental, physical, and spiritual body. It is a natural and ancient plant medicine, with a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and is a powerful antioxidant. Cacao also increases blood flow (oxygen and nutrients) to the brain as well as induces the release of feel-good endorphins. It enhances the immune system and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.Cacao is often used to change your perspective, enabling you to recognize and let go of repeated patterns or bad habits, release energetic blockages, and what no longer serves you. Naturally packed with caffeine, cacao gives you a burst of energy that helps you focus and improve your memory and is said to be a big creativity enhancer and facilitator of deep inner meditation and connections.

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