Sage Entwined Sacred Journey: Women's Circle ~ March Gathering ~ Manifestation Circle
Event description
I welcome you to into a nurturing circle of women gathered to share from the heart in sacred space.
This beautiful circle we are going to talk about manifestation. I think we all know by now that I don't subscribe to a lot of new age beliefs and at best, think they're harmless but don't work, and at worst, give false hope and create shame and guilt. So I want to talk about how we can manifest and shape our reality with less of the woo woo and more of the taking the wheel of our life. We can create a world around us that we want and it's time to talk about how we can do that.
So much love, sisters!

On arrival I offer grounding and clearing with smoke cleansing and when I feel called to, drumming as well. After circle has been opened we will sink into our sacred space through a guided meditation, fully calling ourselves to be present in this space. During this circle there will be an intimate sharing element where the talking stick will be passed around allowing each woman to be held as she shares her truth. In this space we listen with open ears and open hearts, without trying to move or fade the pain of another woman with advice, allowing for release and healing in being truly seen. Our gatherings also include each bringing a plate of food to add to our shared feast at supper. What is shared in our sacred space, stays in our sacred space. Please bring a plate of food, a water bottle, a cushion and a shawl/blanket to make yourself comfortable. There are cushions and small blankets at the venue if you forget though. With an open heart, all women are accepted and maidens from 10 are also invited into this sacred space. Babes in arms are welcome in circle. No refunds are issued.

Women have gathered in sacred space longer than they have not. For many of us though, this has not been a part of our journeys. Sacred Sisterhood is reawakening in the hearts of women all over the world. For thousands of years we have gathered in circle to tell our stories, share our wisdom and pass on the history of our ancestors. I warmly invite you to this sacred space for authentic connection with like-minded sisters, bringing yourself back into your true self, remembering our soul's true purpose and the blessing of true heart kinship.

My name is Angie and I have created Sage Entwined as a way of following my heart and purpose, while giving of myself in service to the women of my community. My vision for Sage Entwined Sacred Journey: Women's Circle is for all the sisters that attend to rise together in harmony and purpose. To create true community through collaboration and sharing. And to be empowered in sharing wisdom and receiving it. The ripples of the magic we create in this sacred and intentional space is felt far in wide in our worlds. We are the change in the world, sisters.If you have any questions please email me at I am looking forward to seeing you at circle. Blessings, Sisters.

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