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SAM Presents: Field Drawing with Kerrie Poliness

Shepparton Art Museum
shepparton, australia
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Sat, 5 Apr, 10am - 12pm AEDT

Event description

Make your mark with SAM Art Wall feature artist Kerrie Poliness in this participatory large-scale line drawing session that will flow down the lawn of SAM’s Orchard Hill.

Together, Poliness and participants will map out a line drawing in the artist's signature abstract, geometric style that expands on her new Art Wall installation.

How it will work:

Ahead of the session, Kerrie Poliness will create a large-scale geometric drawing in turf paint on Orchard Hill, outside Elsewhere Café at SAM. On Saturday 5 April, two sessions will run where participants will join Poliness to extend the drawing from the hill to the amphitheatre using chalk. The result will be an incredible, site-responsive collective artwork!

No prior experience or artistic skills are required. All ages are welcome. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by a guardian.

Event details:

Date + time: Saturday 5 April | Session One: 10am-11am; Session Two: 11am-12pm

Location: SAM Amphitheatre (lake side of SAM building), 530 Wyndham Street, Shepparton

Price: Free – registrations encouraged

This event is supported by Dy-Mark


About the artist:

Kerrie Poliness is a Mel­bourne-based artist whose sys­tem­at­ic, col­lab­o­ra­tive, and often open-end­ed process pro­duces paint­ings, draw­ings, sculp­tures and films inflect­ed with his­to­ries of con­cep­tu­al and abstract art. Poli­ness is asso­ci­at­ed with an influ­en­tial group of artists who reit­er­at­ed the rel­e­vance of geo­met­ric abstrac­tion in Mel­bourne in the late 1980s and 90s, through the inno­v­a­tive artist-run space Store 5 which she co-founded. 

Poliness exhibited extensively across Australia and internationally, including HOTA, Gold Coast, 2018;  Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne, 2017;  G‑MK, Zagreb, 2014; and Mel­bourne Now, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne, 2013.

She has devel­oped a num­ber of site-spe­­cif­ic pub­lic art­works includ­ing Stream, Green Square, Zet­land, Syd­ney, 2022; Par­lia­ment Steps Walk­ing Draw­ing, Mel­bourne, 2021; Field Draw­ing #1, May­war Green, Gallery of Mod­ern Art, Bris­bane, 2014; and Wave Draw­ings, High­point Shop­ping Cen­tre, Mel­bourne (2013).

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Shepparton Art Museum
shepparton, australia