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Sat 10am Sound Massage Therapy (limit 4ppl)

Price $35 AUD Get tickets

Event description

Exclusive Sound Massage Therapy Class


Immerse yourself in our Exclusive Sound Massage Therapy Class, limited to just 4 participants to ensure personalized attention and maximum benefit. This intimate setting allows for a deeply transformative experience, blending the healing power of sound with therapeutic massage techniques. Designed for those seeking profound relaxation, healing at multiple dimensions and rejuvenation

  • Deep Relaxation: The soothing sounds and vibrations facilitate a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress and tension.
  • Enhanced Healing: The combination of sound and sound massage promotes physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, enhancing overall well-being.
  • Personalized Attention: With only 4 participants, each session is tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a more effective and individualized experience.
  • Holistic Wellness: The class integrates elements of sound therapy, massage, and mindfulness, offering a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.
What to Expect:
  • Indulge in a transcendent journey of relaxation as you immerse yourself in the gentle embrace of soothing sounds and vibrations. Renowned sound practitioner Jenny, who also holds senior certifications in yoga and meditation therapy, will skillfully employ an array of sound healing instruments, expertly positioning them in strategic locations on and around your body. Feel the profound resonance of the gong, the crystalline purity of quartz crystal singing bowls, the therapeutic tones of brass singing bowls, the harmonizing frequencies of tuning forks in addition to many more carefully selected sound healing instruments.

  • Schedule and Pricing:
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Frequency: Fortnightly during our term
  • Price: $35 casual

Join us for this exclusive and transformative experience, where the power of sound and touch combine to elevate your mind, body, and spirit. Secure your spot today and discover the profound benefits of our Sound Massage Therapy Class.

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