Event: Save Lake Moodemere Gala Fundraising Event
General information
Contact name
Contact number
Travel instructions
Lake Moodemere Estates is only a 6 minutes drive from the township of Rutherglen. Heading west on the Murray Valley Highway for 6.7kms, turn right at Moodemere Road and the entrance to Lake Moodemere Estates is only 100m further on the right hand side.
Entry instructions
Entry to the event is through the gated entrance to the Lake Moodemere Estates garden where you will be greeted by members of the Friends of Lake Moodemere who will warmly welcome you and direct you through to the event.
The event is being held in the garden and outdoor deck area. Accessibility can be limited around the ground with tree roots, uneven surfaces and low hanging tree branches. The homestead/cellar door and outdoor deck area is open and accessible.
Toilet location
Public toilets are accessible.
Accessible parking
Accessible parking options are located adjacent to the main entrance.