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Season Starter Session 2025 Winter

Kandanga Farm Store
kandanga, australia
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Fri, 9 May, 3pm - 6pm AEST

Event description

Regenerating your plot, big or small, while getting poison out of the food chain and building natural capital is all doable but requires a proactive approach to land management. But what do you do and when do you do it? Our Season Starter Sessions are a “nuts & bolts” approach to becoming proactive and avoiding the common issues faced by many producers- poor soil, nutrition gaps (for humans and animals), parasite & pest burdens, land degradation, unhealthy water systems and an underperforming food production system.

Reactive management limits your ability to get off the chemical train. It also leads to overwhelm and missed opportunities. Our role in the Season Starters is to help you get in the driver’s seat for your farm, garden or plot – season by season and year by year. Deal with the issues before they even become issues.

Topics covered each session include –

  • The fundamentals of Regenerative Agriculture – practically
  • Seasonal activities for land management to build soil health
  • Seasonal activities for animal management – integrating livestock, nutrition, marketing, breeding
  • What to plant and jobs to do in your home veg garden
  • Working with nature rather than fighting

With guest speakers as well as drawing on our own decade plus of experience producing certified organic beef while still regenerating our landscape in the high-parasite, sub-tropical Mary Valley region.

2025 Dates

Friday May 9th 3pm – 6pm PREPARING FOR WINTER

Saturday August 23rd 10am – 1pm PREPARING FOR SPRING

Saturday November 8th 10am – 1pm PREPARING FOR SUMMER

Cost is $110 per session including a nourishing local produce based lunch prepared by local food legend Matt Golinski in May and November with guest chef to be announced for August.

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Kandanga Farm Store
kandanga, australia