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Seeing With New Eyes

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Following from our “Honouring our Pain for the World” webinar on Tuesday 15th of August ( - passcode @2j8H%EA ), John Seed and Pat Fleming (co-authors, with Joanna Macy and Arne Naess of “Thinking Like a Mountain – Towards a Council of All Beings”) will be offering a free webinar titled “Seeing With New Eyes“.

The Spiral of the Work That Reconnects/experiential Deep Ecology workshops starts from gratitude, moves into Honouring Our Pain for the World and from there blooms into “Seeing With New Eyes”.Once we have allowed ourselves to feel and share our deepest anguish, rage and terror about what is happening to our world, the scales fall away and we are able to enjoy a boundless celebration of the glory of this Universe untrammelled by the suppression of these feelings which our social conditioning and that of the people around us has imposed.

“Seeing With New Eyes” opens new portals and fresh insights into how we live our lives, inviting clarity of where and how we are called, and of our possible parts and roles to play. What opens up within these rituals is taken further into real world actions in the following stage in the spiral known as “Going forth”, to be explored in the next webinar.

We will explore some of the ceremonies used by John, Pat and others within Deep Ecology Immersion weekends, particularly the Council of All Beings and other experiential processes, synchronous with the Earth rituals of all indigenous cultures throughout time, that invite our ecological identity, the Ecoself, to emerge and shine forth.

The webinar is free but donations to the Bob Brown Foundation will be gratefully accepted – to stop the logging of Aussie native forests in 2024.

A zoom link will be sent upon registration

For the Earth

John & Pat

artwork by Cloudcatcher Media

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Hosted by John Seed