Sexual Integrity Workshop
Event description
This Zoom event will be Friday, January 24, 12:30 pm-4:30 pm and Saturday 25th 10 am-3 pm
Why a Sexual Integrity Workshop?
Absolute innocence, beauty, balance, harmony, and endless joy are at the core of every individual—the Soul’s true essence. No matter what is going on in your relationships or the lack of them, this divine integrity within yourself can attract deeply fulfilling intimacy into your life.
But for most people these days, intimacy equals pain. The divorce rate has climbed so high that for the first time in history, the majority of people in America are single, and over 60 percent of couples say they are not happy together. Even 25 percent of Americans have no close friends at all!
This is because most people engage in power struggles in their relationships. These power struggles are caused by an unconscious Energy-Stealing Virus, which occurs only when one’s male and female energies are out of balance.
Power struggles ensue in our relationships because we unconsciously feel our energy has been stolen and struggle to regain it.
This old way of relationships based on expectation, manipulation, and obligation is breaking down and is beginning to be replaced by a new way of intimacy. In this new way, two sovereign individuals, grounded in their own self-commitment, like two strong pillars, are able to build a steady, respectful, and loving relationship without all the drama.
The first step to getting there is doing your own inner work of clearing the Energy Stealing Virus out of your energy field. What is the Energy Stealing Virus (ESV)? It is all the ways we learned to unconsciously steal each other’s energy instead of sourcing our energy from the Great Loving Spirit within. Making a conscious decision not to participate in energy stealing may help a little, but the pattern is so ingrained in our bodies and minds that getting completely free usually takes decades and even lifetimes of painful relationship drama and long periods of isolation. Waking up out of energy stealing and having your own energy stolen has been a painfully slow process until now.
Fortunately, an unknown ancient method I call here, “the Oneness Method,” was given to humanity by the Goddess Isis that balances one’s sexual energy. This enjoyable activity permanently frees your physical, emotional, and mental bodies from ESV so you can enjoy truly fulfilling intimacy with yourself and others.
This miraculous secret helps both men and women integrate their inner male and female energy so their relationships can shift from reactive drama to peaceful harmony.
Before sharing what it is, I have three questions for you…
- When it comes to relationships, intimacy, and sex, do you tend to slip out of balance?
- Do you pull too tight to get intimacy, avoid getting too close, or both?
- Do you struggle with cravings, compulsive behavior, or mood swings?
The abuse that originates from the ESV is not just physical and sexual; it is happening energetically almost all the time for most people in our sexually sick society.
For thousands of years, the genders have been at war with each other, outwardly as conflict in relationships and collectively as wars, rooted in a disconnection and conflict between the male and female energy within each individual. You may say, “I love the opposite sex.” Perhaps you do consciously, but unconsciously, ESV causes us to react to the opposite sex and have them reacting back at us, often when we least expect it.
ESV started long, long ago when our human Souls first began expressing themselves as one gender and became interested in stealing the energy of the opposite gender to feel a temporary rush of ecstatic union. Over thousands of years, this energy stealing led to a deeper and deeper forgetting of our inherent wholeness and more and more extreme acts of abuse, including rape, torture, all forms of control, and murder. This abuse between the sexes created a tremendous amount of trauma memories. These traumatic memories are lodged into our bodies, keeping us feeling reactive, untrusting of the opposite sex, and generally disempowered.
What I have to share with you methodically gets the energy-stealing virus and associated toxic memories out of you.
Do you still feel like a victim at times?…
- a victim of others' inappropriate sexual energy?
- a victim of judgments and accusations from those of the opposite sex?
- a victim of child abuse or neglect?
We are told to “get over it.” But this is much easier said than done when this old pain story doesn't want to leave the body. Then, we find ourselves being reactive, defensive, untrusting, or overly nice to survive. The Oneness Method gets this lower vibration of feeling victimized (which tends to attract even more negative experiences to yourself) out of your body permanently.
Let’s look a little closer at how the energy-stealing virus works. Typically, the more a male is unconscious of his feminine side, the more he will use a woman or porn for sex to get his feminine fix. The more a woman forgets her masculine side, the more she will feel needy for a man and seduce him with her body and emotions to manipulate him to get her needs met. (Note it is really about opposite energies rather than opposite body types, so the virus is in virtually everyone regardless if they are heterosexual or homosexual.) Relationships based on need, expectation, obligation, and control are very entrapping and are really abusive because people are stealing from each other’s energy.
The wounding caused by sexual energy stealing is profound. The virus is a mental disease that tricks your mind. The virus still infects you if you are blaming anyone for the abuse you have suffered, including yourself. There is no one to blame. It is not who we are. It’s just a virus that has infected humans.
The energy-stealing virus has us searching for love in the wrong places. It is what causes a person to crave something outside of their Self, whether that be food, sweets, alcohol, drugs, money, unhealthy sex (porn) or a relationship. It’s all forms of energy stealing, attempts to fill an energy void, a void which can be permanently healed by the Oneness Method.
Then, there are a number of us who experienced getting so burned in unhealthy intimate relationships that we shut down and gave up the possibility of being in an intimate relationship. This ancient method will naturally rekindle your intimacy with yourself and others without all the reactive drama.
When the Energy-Stealing Virus is removed from the body and mind, compulsive behavior driven by the need to replace the love we don’t feel falls away You will feel overflowing divine love embodied! Once integrated, you will no longer have power struggles in your intimate relationships.
The Oneness Method is an ancient, natural, and simple technique designed by angels that marries the male and female energies in your body and mind. As this marriage of the opposites takes place in yourself, ESV permanently dissolves. By no longer participating in energy stealing and allowing your own energy to be stolen, your own unlimited core energy overflows. As a result, you will feel emotionally full, happy, creative, and naturally generous. The Oneness Method methodically shifts the frequency of your body, emotions, and mind from dis-harmonic duality to balance and blissful oneness.
The amount of energy (which translates to time, opportunities, and money) lost to the energy-stealing virus is ridiculous. If you are tired, chances are you allow your energy to be stolen. You are about to learn how to balance and reset your consciousness back into blissful unity with all that you are and all your relations without having to take any kind of drug.
After the virus has been removed, people report feeling much healthier and energetic, needing less sleep and less food, and feeling balanced, clear-minded, inspired, creative, and productive. They no longer allow themselves to be drained by others, so their relationships change into greater harmony, reflecting the greater harmony they feel within. Like how we get electricity from both the positive and negative poles of a battery, similarly, when you learn to integrate the opposite sexual energies in yourself, you will find yourself flooded with extra energy.
People often ask, … “After ridding yourself of the Energy Stealing Virus, does this mean you will no longer be able to enjoy intimacy and sex with another?” No, just the opposite. When sex is no longer a need or obligation, it can be thoroughly enjoyed as the sacred, wholesome, joyous communion it is meant to be. As long as one has the energy-stealing virus, there is no real joy while having sex. After experiencing this secret Ancient Method, you will agree what most people call sex, or even what they called making love, was more about energy stealing, and thus, one or both partners felt drained afterward. While practicing the Oneness Method, you will find yourself less and less reactive in your relationships with others, particularly your most intimate relationships. You will find your compulsions for unhealthy substances and activities dissipate and will eventually fall away completely. You will feel more whole, complete, and naturally abundant.
The Oneness Method is truly a secret. The information has been kept more sealed than evidence of UFO and government conspiracies. There are powerful institutional forces on our planet that are against this information being disclosed. I am actually taking a personal risk revealing it to you today. This ancient secret method is unknown to virtually everyone on the planet, but it is time for it to be disclosed to those of you who are awake enough to receive and apply this higher knowledge. Others will likely not understand or find it threatening to their traditional beliefs.
The sexual energy virus lives in the gut. As participants regularly practice the Oneness Method, their sacral chakra is purified and balanced, causing their gut issues, mood swings, and other related issues to vanish.
Many people are out of sexual integrity. They are seducing others and using sex like a drug, and this keeps them from attracting true love.
This life-changing Workshop is an opportunity to rediscover your sexual integrity in an enjoyable way so you can vibrate at the frequency of true love and thus attract a true love relationship.
Here’s what Practitioners have to say:
NY 33 year old woman says:
Since I have been practicing [the Oneness Method], I feel much more loved, nurtured, and fulfilled.
JJ 59 year old man:
“I feel much more youthful energy, self-esteem, confidence, focus at work, and a big relationship transformation with my wife, shifting our intimacy into a more authentically loving connection .”
KB 61 year old woman:
I have noticed more energy. I feel more loved. I feel less like I have to have a partner now. I feel more connected to me.
EV 23 year old woman:
Absolutely Life changing! I have not been good at loving myself, so I have made this method my highest priority before entering a relationship. So much shame has been cleared from having been sexually abused, and I already feel more grounded and connected to myself.
RS 26 years old man:
I feel a deeper connection with myself, my energy, my body, and my soul. I feel more at peace with myself and my being. I enjoy looking at myself and smile often. It feels like people are smiling more at me, and I see more happy people during my day. I am my greatest lover, and I am loving that.
This secret method can only be safely shared in a workshop. You will understand why once you experience it. The workshop lasts 10 hours, usually two 5-hour days.
For the last 15 years the workshop has been only available for $600. But at that price the disclosure of this vital information has not been spreading fast enough to make a significant impact to shift humanity into the balance and harmony we so desperately need. So I, am offering you this workshop for half price ($300) if 3 or more people participate. Otherwise, it is $500 for one person or $400 for two people.
I am also offering our Sexual Integrity Workshop at this extremely low price so you may be inspired to share it with your spiritual friends to initiate a movement for humanity’s sexual energy integrity. Can you imagine what our world would be like if everyone knew how to keep themselves balanced?
Enjoy Embodied Enlightenment
Experience the Sexual Integrity Workshop!
One more note. Facing memories of abuse can be painful. We I AM U Coaches have a simple and easy way of clearing pain out of your body and mind quickly without drugs. Please don't hesitate to ask for support from us. Call 530-925-6770 or email
I am Reverend Joa White Eagle, MA
Thank you for considering experiencing the Sexual Integrity Workshop!
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity