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SHA Annual General Meeting 2023 - Australia’s Healthcare Future: Implications for Spiritual Care

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Event description

Join us for our Annual General Meeting to be followed by our special guest speaker from Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA), Kylie Woolcock. 

The Annual General Meeting will commence at 10:00am, with the forum beginning at 10:30am. 

Don't miss out on hearing from Kylie Woolcock, CEO of the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association, as she delves into the evolving landscape of the health sector. Discover AHHA's pivotal work, gain insights into current trends, anticipate future challenges, and understand the profound implications for spiritual care in our healthcare journey.

About Our Presenter

Kylie Woolcock, Chief Executive Officer (AHHA)

Kylie has worked in the health sector for over 20 years, starting her career as a pharmacist, before moving her focus into health workforce development, health policy and reform. She is passionate about reorienting the health system to achieve the outcomes that matter for people and their communities.

Kylie has extensive experience in the for-purpose sector, bringing the diverse views of stakeholders together with the evidence base to influence and effect change. She has worked with a range of health professions, service providers and governments; from a range of perspectives; and from a local region, national and international focus. She has postgraduate qualifications in health economics, artificial intelligence, training and management. She is a Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Health, Research – Public Health, Queensland University of Technology, and a member of the International Hospital Federation Governing Council.

About Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA)

The Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association (AHHA) is Australia’s national peak body for public and not-for-profit hospitals and healthcare providers.

Their vision is for a healthy Australia supported by the best possible healthcare system.

Launch of New Resources

We are thrilled to launch two new Mental Health and Spirituality posters at the AGM, specially designed for international Spiritual Care Week (SCW), 22-28 October 2023.

As highlighted on the SCW website, ‘Spirituality and Mental Health are close siblings, the condition of one’s spiritual worldview has a direct impact on one’s mental wellbeing.’ At SHA we advocate for spiritually inclusive health care for all, and recognise that spiritual health is a cornerstone of mental wellbeing.

Poster #1: Spirituality & Mental Health

This poster bridges the concepts of spiritual health and mental health, highlighting the common grounds they share, and differentiating between spiritual struggle and mental illness.  Both presentations share a range of symptoms that can sometimes be mistaken for the other. This poster aims to draw attention to shared qualities and symptoms and deepen our understanding of these complex interrelations.

Poster #2: Spiritual & Mental Health Care

This poster locates the place of spirituality in the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual model of holistic care and suggests ways all healthcare staff can play a role in supporting a person’s spiritual health needs, promoting a comprehensive approach to care. In developing a spiritual literacy, we are all better positioned to respond to the holistic needs of those in our health care services. 

We look forward to welcoming you.


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