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Simplifying Aged Care - Wakefield House

Event description

When you are busy with life and all its commitments and you have an elderly relative who is declining, trying to navigate the Aged Care system can be a nightmare.

Or you might be the elderly relative.

You may ask …

  • How do I decide what, if any, care my relative requires?
  • What is best for them?
  • Can Mum or Dad get into an Aged Care Home on a pension?
  • Can a hospital really send my relative anywhere in South Australia?

These are valid and important questions and trying to find answers can be stressful on you and your family.

Professionals can sort everything for you, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all. And the Aged Care admission process can be daunting if you don’t know where to start.

This session is for anyone who knows an older person - healthy or not.

We look at ...

    • When to register with My Aged Care
    • Why decluttering needs to start long before we are elderly
    • Why it's important to have a Will, Power of Attorney and Advance Care Directive
    • Where to get help with the things that have you bewildered
    • And much, much more ...

    In one hour I'll give an overview of what's important and why starting early is helpful.

    The Best Aged Care Solutions Start with a Plan!

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