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    Power of Snake Wisdom

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    Event description

    Power of Snake Wisdom

    Primordial flow, Heartbeat of the earth

    Ancient snake wisdom has long been associated with many Goddesses and spiritual traditions. The snake is a link to our primordial past, and the Earth we walk upon. This connection was broken with the rise of patriarchy, as cultures sought to control women’s power.

    In this workshop, we will reignite our connection with ourselves, our bodies and the rhythm of earth's heartbeat. We will explore the mysticism of shedding our skin to reveal a new self, able to walk a new path. 

    We will reconnect with our fundamental sensory systems, kundalini activation energy and learn how the wisdom of the Snake enables us to find balance and motivation in our lives, to follow our deepest intuition. 

    Your facilitators

    Pia Gaia

    Pia was born into Goddess Community and initiated as a Priestess of Rhiannon and of Avalon in the UK. Co-Founder of the Gaia Temple, she plays at the intersections of spirituality, ecology and activism. Her passion for empowering women through Goddess led her around the world holding workshops and ceremonies whilst studying alternative community living

    Marissa Trask
    Marissa has a deep connection with nature and ritual, and believes that the Earth is a sacred, living being. Marissa is a trained nurse, and has built on this by exploring the wisdom and spirituality of childbirth and the phases of a woman's life. Marissa initially joined Gaia's Garden, and is a founder of the Gaia Temple as well as a Red Tent convenor.


    saturday 26th September, 2021
    online 1:00 - 5:00pm 
    Zoom link sent on workshop day
    - enough space to move around and still hear the zoom  
    - a Stick Of incense /candle/ lighter
    - A drum/rattle (optionAl)
    - outside acsess/ living plant nearby



    the Gaia Temple – Explore Goddess workshops

    At the Gaia Temple, our mission is to help create a world in which people respect and honour the Goddess in her many forms and explore the intersection of spirituality, ecology and community activation. Our 'Explore Goddess' workshops are an opportunity for people to come together in group discussion facilitated by an authoritative special guest.

    We explore new ideas about how the Goddess is present in our lives, the relevance of earth based spiritual perspective in solving modern issues and celebrate the Divine Feminine within, from a uniquely Australian perspective.

    Each workshop covers an essential aspect of how we connect with and honour the Goddess, from Indigenous perspectives to honouring our Ancestors and motherline, celebrating the turn of the seasons and connecting with the spiritual energy of nature.

    Come dive into women’s wisdom, story-telling and embodied learning! We will transport you to her different altars and immerse you in her divine energy here at the Temple.

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