
Event: Springfield Dragon Boat Festival

General information

Travel instructions

Bus: PVTA route P20 to Route 20 stop, cross the street at the traffic light, and enter North Riverfront Park. Car: Navigate to 77 West Street, Springfield MA 01104, drive between Pride Station and Starbucks and follow signs for Event Parking. A suggested donation of $10 per car will be requested. Handicapped-accessible parking is available. No cars or trucks will be allowed inside North Riverfront Park for this event. It's a 5-minute walk to North Riverfront Park from this parking area. Bike: the Connecticut Riverwalk will bring you right to North Riverfront Park and you may park your bicycle in the park at 121 West Street, Springfield MA 01104

Entry instructions

From the Riverwalk, enter North Riverfront Park by the Gazebo. If you are a participant, stop at registration here. If you are a spectator, you may proceed into the park to enjoy the event. A folding chair is recommended.

Toilet location

Portable restrooms will be dispersed throughout the venue.