
Event: Spring Picnic - Green Mountain Community School + Nature Play family gathering

General information

Contact name

Fiona Pigott

Contact number

0419 472 297

Travel instructions

Car: participants with accessibility requirement can park next to bush camp by driving across a paddock. Other cars will be parked in designated area about 100m from bushcamp

Entry instructions

Parking is on the lefthand side of the gate across Selby's Rd. Please park with awareness of making space for others.

After entry instructions

Once entering the paddock, the ground will be uneven, potentially wet underfoot and contain long grass to walk through. Throughout the day we will walk through bushland areas, grassed openings and a 1km return undulating walk.


Uneven ground. Wet marshy ground. Long grass and trip hazards. Low lying branches. Fire circles. Moving objects, such as balls. Whittling knives. Running and unpredictable movement from participants.

Toilet location

A toilet is available on site. It does not meet accessibility standards.

Accessible parking

Parking is available next to the event site (5-10m walk through a paddock).