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    STEP NSW Evening Seminar | Wednesday 19 June 2024

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    Event description

    STEP NSW Branch invites you to a seminar with Jane Needham SC, Barrister, 13th Floor St James' Hall.

    Topic: Promissory estoppel or other equitable claims in the family provision claims context

    This topic will cover:

    Families are complex, and litigation about families in the estate context even more so. In the context of estate litigation, the question often arises – what is the best path forward and through for my client? Assuming that capacity is not in question, the common options are to seek family provision orders or equitable remedies (such as promissory estoppel, or enforcement of a testamentary promise). What are the important matters that need to be considered when formulating an approach for the client, and what are the risks of throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Jane will consider recent Court of Appeal and first instance cases such as Bassett v Bassett [2021] NSWCA 320, Soulos v Pagones [2023] NSWCA 243, and (if delivered by the time of the seminar) the appeal from Wild v Meduri [2023] NSWSC 113.

    DATE: Wednesday 19 June 2024

    TIME: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

    COST: $75 STEP Members, $120 Non-Members

    VENUE: Court 13A, Supreme Court of NSW, 184 Phillip St, Sydney OR Online via Webinar


    STEP NSW will host the branch Annual General Meeting directly before this seminar.

    For further information or assistance, please contact

    In person attendance is available for our Wednesday evening seminars in Court 13A at the Supreme Court of New South Wales. 

    As this seminar has the option of 'in person attendance' or 'remote attendance', please ensure you select the correct ticket type when registering for the event.

    The seminar will be recorded and the recording will be sent to registered attendees within 7 days of the seminar.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you are attending by live-stream, the link to join the live-stream will be sent to each ticket holder via email 2 hours before this event through the Humanitix system.

    IMPORTANT REMINDER: To ensure you don't miss out on receiving the Zoom link, please ensure your email address is correct before confirming the ticket order.

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