Succulence Level 1 - A sacred space to Reclaim the Power of your Pussy
Event description
When I hit my early 40's, something happened. I started loving my yoni in a way I had never before. I let go of the need for it to look like a porn pussy, and I started treating Her like a temple, being VERY selective regarding who I let near or in Her. I guess you could say that I experienced my own sexual revolution, and the change was POWERFUL. For the first time in my life, I saw how unnecessarily cruel I had been to my yoni nearly all my life, and realised how damaging this had been on so many levels.
To be totally frank, it took my friend telling me I had a "magnificent" pussy to totally embrace Her magic. I was no longer ashamed, and instead was empowered. For the first time I loved what I saw when I again bravely got out the mirror, and life started to change. I even went as far as volunteering to be a live yoni model for an all-male sex education workshop, having my yoni projected up on the wall, larger than life! I then even sat on a giant altar, legs spread, as men came and gazed into my Pussy, setting their intentions for the coming months. THIS WAS INSANELY POWERFUL! It was the last piece of the puzzle for me to fully embrace my yoni and reclaim the word "Pussy".
I have received many downloads from the Universe about how I am to work with women to empower them also, and this Succulence retreat was one of them. It's been years in the making and NOW is the time!
Your Pussy is your source of creativity, passion & life-force...of intuition & power! And yet so many of us have shame regarding how She looks, tastes, smells & feels. I invite you to come journey with other courageous women feeling the call to reclaim their power through reclaiming their Pussy. And if you can’t even SAY the word “Pussy”, this retreat is definitely for you!
We will use the stunning heart medicine, Cacao, to support us and nurture us as we embark on this magical journey of unfurling, expanding, healing. She will help us get out of our critical mind, and into our hearts, which will bring ease to the journey making it feel more natural, less frightening, and less judgemental.
We will of course spend a good amount of time setting the scene and creating a safe and sturdy container in which to work. We will slowly get to know one another through paired and group shares, taking the time to create trust. Many of use have sisterhood-wounds from school days, but this space will be supportive, kind, gentle and non-judgemental: we will build each other up, not tear one another down!
We will use tools and modalities such as (yin) breathwork, ecstatic dance, authentic relating, healing rituals and 'circle' to gently explore and remove the layers of our metaphorical onion, gradually working through whatever arises for healing. There will be no pressure to push yourself beyond what feels truly safe, but there will also be 'edgy' opportunities for those wanting to truly push themselves. I am calling it Level 1 for a reason - it starts gently for those who are true beginners, are sensitive or fearful, whilst giving others who want to go a little deeper the opportunity to do so safely. Everything but the ground rules and staying to the end will be optional, but you may well surprise yourself regarding how much you want to jump in - the cacao and the safe container often creates a sense of safety, creating the desire to go deeper than you might have expected....but let's see!
I mean it when I say "if you can't utter the word "Pussy" then it's definitely for you" because that was me once! I want to support you to have the opportunity to relate to your Pussy in a whole new empowered, sexy, healthy way whilst also providing you with three days on the land, without having to cook or clean. All you need to do is show up, participate to whatever level you feel comfortable, and drink in the oxytocin that we make when women gather in supportive and loving ways!
We will serve simple, gluten free meals, sleep communally in the stunning temple space (depending on numbers) so that we can dream together (this is powerful!), & sit around an open fire under the stars. This will be a deep, potent, transformational weekend together connecting with the deepest part of who you are - with your femininity and your power!
So come, allow the sisterhood to hold you whilst you unfurl together in whatever way feels safest for you. You don't have to push yourself to pass your edge, but you may find once you are here, that is just what you need to do! But there's no pressure! There will be something for everyone, from beginner to more "out there" women.
The investment includes:
* 2 nights accomodation
* gluten free breakfast, morning and afternoon tea, and dinner (vegan options available)
* breathwork
* ecstatic dance
* cacao both days
* a copy of the book Pussy
* 1 hour post retreat support
NB: you are required to BYO lunch for the Friday (this helps us keep the event affordable for all)
Whilst this is a "retreat", much of the time we will be in the temple in circle, connecting and doing various processes. Although this "fills your cup" & can be super energising and exciting, this can also be tiring at times, for some people. So, please try to rest on the lead up to the retreat, and if at all possible, take the Monday off to bathe in the post-retreat glow! Taking the Monday off is by no means "necessary", it would just mean a really gentle integration and time for long warm baths, journalling etc. I understand that not everyone can afford to do this so please don't pressure yourself to pull this off! We will have a nap on one of the days, and sit around the fire after dinner on the Saturday eve, so there is down time, just not hours and hours of it. Transforming ourselves takes effort....and I PROMISE you you are going to be so damn pleased you put the effort in!!! Also, clothing will be optional at certain times when in the privacy of the temple space. Needless to say this is an all women event for women with yonis. The weather may still be slightly cooler which means we can crank the open fire in the temple and warm our bodies beautifully.
I would love to touch base with all of you before the event, just to hear a little bit about what is prompting you to come, and to talk through any reservations you may have about attending. Often with edgy opportunities like this we get a "YES!" from our heart and soul, but then our ego and our mind try to sabotage us and convince us not to go! So we can talk that through!
I've run Shameless Fully Naked Dinner for women, working on body shame and empowerment, and I promise you that even the most fearful women there didn't want to get dressed at the end of the night! This work is POWERFUL and MAGICAL! I'm just the conduit for this magic sent by the Universe to heal us as individuals and as a collective. Women healing women is POWERFUL - let yourself be part of that!
What one woman said about Succulence:
"I attended Succulence a year ago and the impact that weekend has had on my life has astounded me and those closest to me.
After a very rough few years a realised I needed more connections in my life. As fate would have it, I was led to Succulence and I had no idea what I had signed myself up for.
Gypsy held a beautiful safe space that allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and into myself.
What I found was a much needed connection with myself, which in turn has helped me to connect with everyone and everything around me. I met some incredible women who have become amazing and inspirational friends.
I had been worried about my appearance, I had a low self esteem, I was shy and had feeling of worthlessness when I arrived. I found my old bubbly self. I discovered self love and how wonderful that feels. I learned to listen to my pussy and call on her whenever in need of guidance. Very useful as I always have trouble making decisions and when I need to find the strength to do things that scare me.
This has been incredibly empowering. My life has bloomed. I also found gratitude. My life has more flow as I’m more aware and connected. I’ve learned to trust myself.
I was able to take away everything that I learned that weekend and apply it on a regular basis and it has turned my life around. I have found strength I didn’t know I had. I found a new love of life.
It changed my life for the better and I will never be able to thank Gypsy for the amazing work she does in the world. I feel like she saved my life."
Q: If the thought of coming and being in a room where other women (or me!) might be naked scares me, does that mean I shouldn't come?
A: Hell no! It means you have found your edge and if you jump in, you are going to find some gold..conquer some fears...and no doubt re-write your script!
Q: Do I have to be naked?
A: No you do not. There will be times when nudity is allowed, but it is optional and also it won't be sudden! We'll ease in, in a gentle supported fashion.
Q: What if I get emotional?
A: Awesome! That means you are being in your authenticity which is what this whole retreat is about! (Gypsy cries often! So if you happen to get teary, you'll make her very happy!! )
Q: What if I am not sure about coming..but kind of really want to too?
A: Give us a call and let's chat. But best buy your ticket now, because once you chat with us, you are going to want in!! :)
Q: What if I am bleeding on the weekend?
A: No problem!
Q: Do I have to participate in every element of the weekend?
A: The ground rules and staying to the end are compulsory, as is staying in the temple to bear witness to what is unfolding, but you do not have to do anything you don't want to do. If you want to sit out breathwork or ecstatic dance, you can just chill, or journal in the temple whilst the rest of us do it.
Q: Are payment plans available?
A: Yes, we just ask that you pay an initial $300 deposit to secure your place.
Q: What should I wear?
A: Dress in a way that makes you feel empowered, like a sexy goddess! Wear your favourite lingerie and dress for you! Fully embrace your femininity - wear make up if you like, pretty jewellery, face paint, flowers in your hair : whatever makes you feel like your most magnificent!
Q: What if I have never done anything like this before?
A: Then you are probably like everyone else attending! There is something for everyone, no matter where you are at on the path to healing and fearlessness!
About the facilitator...
Gypsy Artemis......
This workshop literally came through me on a long drive to my beloved....after reflecting on my own journey with Pussy-shame. Over the last few years I have gone from "not doing naked" to being a live yoni (vagina) model to being a freely-naked woman in the world. It's been quite the transformation & I want that sense of freedom for other women - even if it's a different version of how I take my own freedom & power into the world.
I see and hear women saying they have never seen another woman's yoni (except in porn) and so never really know if how they look is "normal". We seem to hide away the parts of us we don't love...we hide our shame about not being good enough...beautiful enough..."too much" this..."not enough" that. It's not just our yoni's... It's our breasts... our hips... our asses....our emotions...our needs...our POWER!
When are we going to release the shame and own our stunningly beautiful, womanly selves?! The answer? By the end of SUCCULENCE, I can feel it in my bones! And I want to be a part of the SHAMELESS! revolution as we guide you back to your truest, most beautiful and powerful Self!
GYPSY - 0406 502 715
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity