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Sundo, the Art of Breathing, Cosmic Energy Breathing - Live on Zoom, Weekend Mornings

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This routine 2-hour Sundo practice class consists of warming up exercises, sequential postures with cosmic energy breathing, wrapping up exercises, and internal organ strengthening exercises.

The master will guide the class while practicing along with the recorded instructional video.

In addition to the routine practice, the master will explore with the participants the meditation techniques of the Sundo tradition, which integrates the universal life force with the conscious breathing method. As you become capable of communicating with the energy of consciousness, this method will help deepen your meditation and provide a solid foundation for continuous spiritual progress.

Key focuses are on:

- Warming-up Exercises (준비운동)

- Core energy breathing (Danjeon Haeng-gong) (cosmic energy breathing method combined with sequential postures) (단전행공, 丹田行功)

- Winding-up Exercises (정리운동)

- Internal Organ Strengthening Exercises (기신법, 氣身法)

And, also meditation techniques of:

- Conscious meditation for inner peace and clarity (정관,正觀)

- Breathing meditation for achieving the oneness with own consciousness (정관, 靜觀)

- Conscious Concentration Method in preparation for Danjeon-breathing (의식집중, 意識集中)

- Inner-gazing meditation to become one with the life force, establishing a solid foundation for calmness and awareness (내관, 內觀)

- Recollection method for purifying sub-consciousness (회사법, 回思法)

- Foresight-realization meditation for clarifying life concerns (각진관, 覺眞觀)

- Seeing-through meditation and the integration of the five senses for a meditative lifestyle (기행법, 氣行法)

This meditation-focused series will be held throughout January, February, and March and serves as preparatory classes for the regular Sundo Danjeon breathing classes for the rest of the year.

For more information, please contact or visit the World Bakdol Kouksundo Federation at

Sundo, the Art of Breathing - Cosmic Energy Breathing Meditation - Live on Zoom, Weekend Mornings

Topic: Bakdol Sundo - the Art of Breathing's Personal Meeting Room
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