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Sydney Rotary - Judge Peter Johnstone - 13 July 2021

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Judge Johnstone is the President of the NSW Children's Court


Great Leadership and what it means when  increasing the youth crime age in NSW.

"Under Judge Johnstone's leadership, The Children's Court has emphasised rehabilitation, improving outcomes for Aboriginal children and increasing specialist facilities and expertise," Mr Speakman said.

In addition to sitting regularly in both care and youth crime cases across the state, the President has overall responsibility for the administration of the Court, the Children’s Magistrates and the Registrars, arranging sittings and circuits, training, developing court rules, practice notes, policies and guidelines. The President also has additional statutory functions that include advisory, educational and community liaison roles.

Judge Johnstone helped establish the Youth Koori Court pilot in Parramatta in 2015, which identifies and addresses the underlying causes of young Aboriginal offending and provides more culturally relevant court processes.

He has also been involved in developing processes that strengthen cultural connections for vulnerable young Aboriginal children placed in out of home care.

Judge Johnstone strongly advocated for the $38 million Children's Court complex at Surry Hills, which will open later this year, and for increasing the number of magistrates who preside principally over Children's Court matters. There is now a record 15 specialist Children's Magistrates in NSW.

Before being appointed as Children's Court president in 2012, Judge Johnstone spent six years on the bench of the District Court of NSW. He also served as a Deputy Chair of the Medical Tribunal of NSW for four years and was a part-time Commissioner of the NSW Law Reform Commission for two years.

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