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Tarot Box Pyrography Workshop

Price $95 USD Get tickets

Event description

In this two hour workshop participants will learn about the dynamic practice of creating designs on objects with heat. Pyrography is a multi-sensory art form that invites us to slow down, and become present. While our focus will be on woodburning, participants will also learn about pyrography on canvas, leather and other natural materials. We will review different tools, tips and pyrography equipment for woodburning, including image transfer techniques. Participants will then use a woodburning pen to design and burn a keepsake or Tarot card box, measuring 4" x 6" x 2". Participants will also learn about how woodburning can be combined with other art forms, such as painting and drawing, to enhance their projects. Each participant will leave with knowledge of woodburning basics, a uniquely designed box, and ideas for future burns! 

Melissa Romeo is a freelance artist and art educator living in Portland, Oregon. She is a dual degree art therapy and counseling MA candidate and is particularly interested in the intersections of art, community and social action. She believes that art has the incredible potential to open up spaces for relationship-building, meaning-making and problem-solving. While not in class or facilitating woodburning workshops, Melissa can be found chasing any patch of sunlight Portland has to offer or watering all of the very many plants she’s accumulated. 

IG: @madelike_this

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