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Teacher Wellbeing Matters

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Event description

BGKLLEN invites you to the webinar Teachers’ Wellbeing Matters.  This is for teachers, educators, parents who are feeling the stress, fatigue and challenges of home-schooling during lockdown. The teaching profession is regarded to be one of the most stressful jobs. And this was before the pandemic.  With extended lockdown and an increase in online home learning, the workload, stress and emotional and mental support required of teachers has increased dramatically.  As educators we often put our own wellbeing last.   We will be addressing why wellbeing is important, managing expectations and the guilt and shame of trying to manage it all.   We hope when you come out of this webinar, you will feel inspired and motivated to implement tools and strategies to cater for your own needs and lockdown environment.  

Everyone who registers will receive a recording of the session if they attend. 

About the Host: 

Hasmin is the wellbeing education lead and facilitator for The Common Purpose Collective.  With 15 years’ experience teaching in primary and secondary schools, she has in-depth knowledge of the demands, pressure and joyful moments of what it means to be a teacher.  She is also a qualified ‘Consciousness Coach’ where she provides coaching, workshops and webinars to help teachers reconnect with themselves, learn tools and strategies to manage their work and life balance.  A key phrase you will often hear her referring to, is that ‘You can’t pour from an empty cup.’  She is a passionate advocate for teacher’s wellbeing as she knows it has a positive ripple effect on their students, communities and life.

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