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    Bernard Schokman
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      Webinar | Friday 20th November 2020, 10-11:30 AM AEDT

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      In this Webinar, you will:-

      1. Learn how we used CANVA & MIRO to design "The Purpose Workshop".
      2. Experience some of the key steps in The Purpose Workshop
      3. Ask questions on any and all of it

      Note: All proceeds to charity. 


      "Great session!! It was so helpful to see how it is possible to adapt
      in-person collaboration sessions for online delivery with user-friendly
      tools. Looking forward to trying these out in some upcoming sessions
      with my team!
      " | Jenn Walker

      "Very insightful and informative session-Bernard has opened my mind to
      new ways of thinking and provided options that help me become more
      effective when facilitating workshops remotely!" |
      Dave McIlroy

      "Bernard shared some awesome tools and techniques to help you collaborate in this new virtual world. I took so much away from the short time and will definitely use his templates. Big thanks for sharing! | Michelle Bell

      "Great, practical and engaging 101 overview of Miro and Canva with useful tips for running workshops, thank you!"
      | Zora Hoare

      A Question I'd Like To Ask You Is...

      1. Have you ever had a great idea you just couldn't CAPTURE???
      2. Been frustrated you couldn't STORE & VISUALISE everything in ONE PLACE???
      3. Wanted to make a start on your OWN IDEA but not sure WHERE TO START???

      Well then, this webinar is definitely for you!!!!

      Why The Heck Am I Doing This???

      Because I know we all have something truly great inside, and I know that having the right knowledge helps breathe life into possibilities. I've seen this time and time again in my professional career. Being able to create something interesting, intriguing and truly personal to each of us, excites us. It jump-starts us in the morning with real passion and purpose.

      It's as simple as that.

      What I'm about to show you is truly personal to me. My mission is to help a million people find purpose and passion and there's nothing better than sharing some tools, knowledge and know-how for that.

      What's Included???

        1) Gloss-Over | Miro + Canva

        • The behind-the-scenes workshop setup with Canva & Miro basics.

        2) Test-Drive | Get to play with The Purpose Workshop

        • Using virtual post-it-notes you will create who you are, how you see the world and your own personal Ikigai (or reason for being).
        • All you need is your computer, a mouse, keyboard and a playful attitude.

        3) Questions & Giveaways | For Webinar Attendees

        • The Miro Template | See top image for sample (minus my info of course).

        Not sure if this is for you? Book a free 30-minute zoom and find out.

        What's Unique About This?

        What's unique about this is that this whole thing uses a cloud collaboration tool that's easy to use, highly visual and interactive. Each step will unpack information from your own personal story. Now you can actually see it in front of you. You. Your story. Your fingerprint. Moment by moment, you're building that story in a structured and ordered manner that allows deep contemplation and reflection. What's also unique about this whole process is that you actually get to put your fingerprint into it. And it's only when we get to put our fingerprint into something, that we actually buy into and own it. People don't own or buy into anything without their fingerprint.

        I've taken knowledge and experience from the last 30 years of building and designing technology and facilitating workshops in the digital arena, coupled it with Industry Design Thinking and Systems Thinking methodologies, blended it with my own style of conscious awareness and distilled from it "The Purpose Webinar".

        You Have a Purpose

        I believe everyone has a unique purpose. A purpose that life's experiences forge them perfectly for - at times, painfully. A purpose that matures and evolves as we do, while we live life and experience the world through our unique perspective. Until such a time that we decide to search for and find purpose, we are merely sampling and experiencing life like a skipping -stone across the water. Not fully or whole-heartedly "living and breathing it". I believe in living a life on purpose, being on-purpose, doing on-purpose and living life fully on purpose. Not just from some point in the foreseeable or distant future. Everyday!!! I believe that truly living on purpose is the way to live a whole and fulfilling life.

        Time is the only thing we really have and everything you need is right here!!!

        What Are You Waiting For? Let's get cracking!!!

        All proceeds to charity. 

        Looking forward to seeing you there!!!

        Not sure if this is for you? Book a free 30-minute zoom and find out.

        - - - - -

        About Bernard Schokman | Facilitator

        I always thought my dream was to become a farmer or a vet. It seemed like an appropriate dream given my love of plants and animals. Sometimes, however, it seems that life has other plans for you.

        I commenced my career with a solid decade of designing, coding and testing on a multitude of tech-stacks. I was never a gifted technologist, but I was always creative and could find a way to design and code any solution. It was oddly and nerdishly satisfying.

        I caught fire when I stepped into Design Thinking.

        While delivering one of the very first UX Design Courses in Australia, I found myself designing a user research workshop for discovery and insight. At the time the design process desperately needed acceleration to keep pace with development.

        And that's when it happened; the spark that I was missing ignited.

        I still love applying the design principles to workshops and research. It's still oddly satisfying to watch as designs unfold with discovery, insight and totally unexpected outcomes. I think in a way I'm kind of like those designs, I'm mouldable and adaptable while still keeping my principles intact.

        Applied Design Thinking is a total fascination for me.

        While I'm still enthusiastically grabbing onto other design frameworks and principles to integrate into my head, I no longer see the separation between the design methodologies - ux design, design thinking. lean method, agile method, business model canvas, strategyzer etc, They are all part of a whole.

        Conversation Design.
        - How to make the horse drink the water.

        At the core however, I'm a father to three kids and a partner to a wonderful woman and that's what it really comes down to. I like to learn and I love good conversation. I'll bend over backwards to help someone and also understand the value in standing back. Balance.

        My DISC profile is in the middle and just inside the C section (CAUTIOUS - Analytical, Detail-Oriented, Systematic). I am easy to work with, practical, knowledgeable, pride myself in my work and add an element of calm to a team. 

        I'll see you there. :)

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