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The Art of Facilitating (V4) - A full day of collaborative theory and practice.

Buderim Lions Clubhouse (Opposite Number 47, Main Creek Road Tanawha)
tanawha, australia
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Event description

The Art of Facilitating - A full day of collaborative theory and practice. 

Are you (or do you want to be) a group facilitator, a spaceholoer, or a teacher of things? 

Are you looking to hone your craft and explore and expand your understanding of what it means for you to claim this role of leader more consciously and fully?

Are you invested in providing your students/clients/community with the safest and most satisfying experience you possibly can? 

Come, immerse for a day, with other people with complementary experiences and intentions. The agenda will be guided by me, but honed by you - what are your biggest stuck points and/or your most helpful downloads? 

Some of the topics that we may cover, passingly or in-depth, include:

  • How much do we share of ourselves? When is joining in the process helpful/not helpful?
  • Finding the balance between structure and flow.
  • Aftercare for ourselves and our participants.
  • The dance between being unique and being accessible.
  • Different communication angles and methods. 
  • Allowing space for group wisdom VS being the sole authority. 
  • How to hold the big stuff.

There will also be allocated time for up to 4 people to practice a particular skill or exercise with us- a group who can give thoughtful, constructive, supportive feedback. Got a short group process that you’re not sure about? Use us as your test audience. Or maybe just claim leadership of the space for a little chunk of time, knowing that it is a dedicated practice space and you’re free to get super explorative and creative. (If you're keen to claim one of these practice spots, let me know when you commit to coming. Otherwise we will negotiate as a group on the day.)


As a community leader, facilitator, and teacher of multiple different modalities with over 15 years professional experience in multiple, multiple different contexts, I’m offering this event because it’s something I see missing in the facilitator/teacher space. 

I see people in facilitator spaces burning out and feeling chronically under-supported. When you’re always holding space, who’s holding space for you?

I see people launching into guiding deep, emotionally fraught processes without comprehensive consideration of all the responsibility that involves, without having the accountability of a group of peers.

I see people getting stuck on the practicalities of teaching a skill, without ever considering what they can offer that is greater than the skill. It is never just about the skill, there are always so many other things going on, so many other things possible.

And I see people chronically doubt their ability or capacity to lead and facilitate well, and quit before they truly begin, which is a loss for everyone. I truly believe, with all of me, that we need more facilitators, teachers, leaders, and space-holders whose presence and offerings are a synergistic marriage of intellectual and emotional intelligence, of skills and presence, of depth and levity. 


This event is something I’ve wanted, personally and professionally, for years. It’s something that some of the people in my community started asking me for. 

So here it is.  

For me.

For you.

For us.



Saturday 15th February 9:30am to 4:30pm


Buderim Lions Clubhouse (Opposite Number 47, Main Creek Road Tanawha)

How much:

Pay-As-You-Feel (Suggested contribution $85-$100 if that's doable for you)** Pre-pay and/or bring cash/transfer on or after the day. (I can provide an invoice for tax purposes if needed.)

Whatever you choose, booking through the Humanitix link is still ESSENTIAL

**Yep, intense paywalls for deeply valuable experiences are a big bug-bear of mine for practical and philosophical reasons so, as much as is viable for me, I offer as many offerings as I can on a Pay-As-You-Feel basis. (Yes, we can definitely talk on the day about pricing our offerings as facilitators!)

(If you are choosing to pay on the day or not through Humanitix, you need to type the numeral 0 in the box before it will let you process the booking. )

What to bring:

  • Pens and paper
  • Water bottle
  • Your own lunch (I will provide a small, simple morning snack and herbal tea.)
  • Yoga mat if you have one
  • If you would like to be one of the people who practices/experiments with leading on this day, please bring anything additional you might need for your little session.
  • As much openness, curiosity, and humility as you’ve got to share.

    I look forward to co-creating this day together, please reach out if you have any questions!

    All the curiosity and anticipation,

    ***If it’s a YES then please make sure that you click ‘Attending’ (if you’re seeing this on FB) AND you sign up through Humanitix. Thanks!***
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Buderim Lions Clubhouse (Opposite Number 47, Main Creek Road Tanawha)
tanawha, australia