
Event: The Art of Mass Gatherings at Surfalorus Film Festival

General information

Contact name

Steph Coolbaugh

Contact number

(703) 881-1304

Travel instructions

Most map directions should be accurate. There is a small sign for “Jennette’s Pier” mounted on a small structure at the entrance from South Virginia Dare Trail which leads to the public parking lots and our event building. Please be aware that the pier is not easily accessible via public transit. There is a bike lane along South Virginia Dare Trail.

After entry instructions

We will have signage posted to help direct you. After parking, take the left-side (northern) ramp up the main building. Take the stairs or elevator up to the second floor. The doors accessed via this side of the building can be opened automatically via push button. Take a left and you will see our registration table, and the event room straight ahead of you through a glass wall.


The indoor and outdoor pier facilities are ADA compliant, and all of our anticipated outdoor tour locations are accessible to people using wheelchairs and other mobility aids. No major sensory issues are anticipated, but some crowds and noise is expected downstairs at the aquarium and outside on the beach.

Toilet location

There are accessible restrooms inside the pier, just outside our event room (Oceanview Hall).

Accessible parking

Accessible parking spaces are available in the lot in front of the pier on a first-come basis. There is also the option to have a golf cart bring you from your parking space anywhere in the lot to the pier building, staff permitting. To request a pickup, park and then call (252) 255-1501, extension 214.