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The Art of Self-Acceptance

Event description

Are you self-critical, overly hard on yourself? Do you ever wish that it was easier to be you?

Do you sometimes compare yourself to those around you in unhelpful ways, or dwell on things you wish you’d done differently?

Self-defeating and critical thoughts so readily crowd our mind – it’s hard to let them go. These discouraging thoughts get in the way of our being able to relax, allow our good qualities to shine and for us to be the best version of ourselves.

Using Buddhist wisdom you can learn not only to truly accept and be at peace with yourself as you are right now, but also to deeply know and relate to your own extraordinary potential – it’s not as distant as you may believe.

In this workshop you will:

  • learn effective, logical, practical methods to manage and overcome disheartening self-views;
  • realise that you already have within you a powerful source of happiness and goodness that you can learn to depend upon; and
  • understand how to develop your own strong and lasting sense of self-acceptance and true confidence.

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