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The Melting Pot Mingle... Valentines Special!

Rat Planet Studios
spring hill, australia
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Event description

Polly Mae, ENM Relationship Coach from Relationships Revolution, presents the "Melting Pot Mingle" — the meeting place for the non-monogamous and the curious.
This event welcomes anyone under the Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) umbrella, whether you're in an open relationship, practicing polyamory, or exploring another form of non-traditional relationships. Even if your flavor of "alternative" looks different from someone else's, this is a space to connect, learn, and find camaraderie in your shared journey of living alternatively.

If you're monogamous but curious or simply want to meet interesting people, you're welcome to attend. This is a safe space for exploration and connection.

What to expect:

  • A complimentary glass of bubbles on arrival 
  • Games
  • Great company

Once your ticket is purchased, you will receive a phone call from Polly Mae, as the event is vetted to ensure all attendees align with the event’s intentions. If it’s not the right fit for you, your ticket will be refunded.

This is a monthly event designed to foster community and a sense of belonging. We look forward to welcoming you to the Melting Pot!

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Rat Planet Studios
spring hill, australia