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The Oneness Workshop

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Sun, Mar 23, 5am - 11am AEDT

Event description

The Oneness Workshop 

Heal Division by Becoming a Unified Presence

6 Hours starting  10 am PT, 11 am MT, 12 pm CT, 1 pm ET,  

Do you… 

  • Wonder why people have become so divided? 
  • Take sides at times, causing your relationships to be challenged?
  • Desire a core solution that can inspire a social movement to unity?
What is it going to take to heal the personal and political divide?
We have divided relationships and a divided Nation because people are internally divided. 
The Oneness workshop is the starting place for unity with self, family, friends, and all life.

You will learn fundamentals of spiritual advancement for the purpose of becoming more of your Authentic Self. It will be a magical journey of intimacy with Source, yourself, and others. Rather than the lecture format, this workshop is a fun, highly interactive learning experience with the following focuses. 

Becoming More Grounded

When we are not grounded, our body’s electrical nervous system absorbs dirty electricity from nearby EMFs, especially from our cellphones, and negative thought forms from mass consciousness. As a result, we feel anxious, scattered, forgetful, accident prone, and eventually lose our immunity to disease. 

You will learn how to better ground yourself to the earth and help others ground themselves. Maybe you already know how to ground yourself, but do you practice it often? Remembering this basic skill is vital during this challenging time on Earth. 

Becoming More Healthy

We are as strong as our weakest link.

Our level of health is determined by how well our human needs are met. You will evaluate and discover how to better meet your seven needs of survival according to Bashar. They are:

  1. Air
  2. Water
  3. Sleep
  4. Food
  5. Shelter
  6. Connection
  7. Self-expression
Becoming More Spiritually Connected via 
  • The Core Energy Meditation educates how to detach from the outer world, rest and be restored in your I AM.
  • The I AM Ascension Practicediscloses a translation of Jesus’s secret ascension method for raising the vibration of your body, mind, and feelings. 
Becoming More Naturally Energized

The way you breathe throughout each day has a huge effect on the quality of your life. Why make your breath more conscious? Many people learned the “breath of fear,” starting with unnatural birthing procedures followed by additional traumas. You will learn to repattern your breathing into relaxed diaphragmatic breaths to give yourself a constant flow of relaxed energy, constantly maintaining alkalinity and oxygen levels in your body and brain.  You will also learn how to breathe for peak athletic performance. By shifting your breathing at the office, you can shift your mind from feeling stuck with problems to opening to the flow of brilliant solutions in less than 10 minutes. Finally, you will learn a way of breathing that induces a self-exalted oneness experience. 

The Theory

The Christian cross symbolizes the integration between opposite energies at the heart.   On the vertical axis, the Higher Self meets the lower self.  Horizontally, the Masculine meets the Feminine.  When there is a division and imbalance between these opposite energies, a person falls out of balance and feels disconnected, disempowered, and disharmony in their relationships with others.  When both sets of opposites are married, the person becomes a unifying, healing presence.  As this inner marriage is sustained, one attains enlightenment (Christ Consciousness). 

Becoming Liberated via Vertical Communication

When we have disconnected from our Higher Self and allow our lives to be run by our lower brain, we get caught in survival fears,  compulsive reactions,  and fight or flight responses that eventually lead to adrenal fatigue. It seems life is against us because we haven't healed our past trauma memories. 

On the other hand, when we are listening only to our Higher Selves and ignoring our lower selves, we tend to become ungrounded, out of body, and neglect our human needs.  We may be full of lofty ideas, but few people take us seriously because we have not integrated our human patterns. This is called having a spiritual ego or doing the spiritual bypass. 

You will learn to integrate these two opposite aspects of yourself so they can work together to bring your life into integrity, empowerment, emotional fulfillment. Healing and integration happen when the love intelligence of your Higher Self connects with your emotional body (aka your inner child).  In a space of Loving, the pain of the past becomes alchemized, liberating wisdom and ecstatic joy, and your life can flow with synchronistic grace. As a result, you will begin taking 100 percent responsibility for your well-being and happiness, and as you continue practicing, you will no longer feel the need to blame another for your emotional state again.

Becoming Centered via Horizontal Communication

When we take sides, we are coming from only one side of our brain. In our Oneness Workshop, you will learn ways of shifting divisiveness into united, whole-brain thought patterns.  

You have probably heard that the right hemisphere of the brain is about our feelings, creativity, compassion for others, and justice for all. It is our feminine side. The left side of our brain is more rational, organized, proactive, self-centered, and protective of freedom. It is our masculine side. 

One of the two sides is more actively dominant in most people, but that doesn’t mean we cannot think whole thoughts. 

When we make others of the opposite dominant brain type wrong, we are operating from only one side of our brain while dismissing the other side of ourselves that also needs to be heard and integrated. 

Disconnection between the masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves also leads to disconnection with people of the opposite brain type and sexual energy. 

You will be introduced to a number of ways of balancing your brain and harmonizing your relationships. 

At the end of the workshop, you will likely feel profoundly altered, and you will have many new skills and insights to live more authentically empowered and joyful in the following days, months, and years. 

You will also likely make some new powerful connections with like-minded friends to continue supporting each other afterward. 

Our Oneness Workshop is a priceless day of transformation for only $122. You may repeat it to play with a new set of Souls as many times as you like at half price. We have priced this live workshop to make it obviously affordable for many people to participate, so please inform your friends to make it an even more fun learning experience. 

Be Paid For Your Referrals!

For every person you refer, you will receive twenty percent of the price they paid, and this will continue for our most compelling Level 2 Sexual Integrity Workshop, which almost everyone takes.

In other words, if you share our work on your email list, and 10 people go to both Level 1 and 2 workshops, you will receive  20% of $122. $24.4 and 20% of 377=75.40. for a total of $100 earned from each referral.  If 10 come, you receive $1,000; if 100 come, you receive $10,000, and so on.  Not bad for doing nothing but saying “Yes,” and emailing the material we send to your people!  

Become a Facilitator!

Becoming a level 1 Oneness Educator is as simple as attending the Oneness Workshop twice and sharing a zoom video of your first class. You receive 80 percent of the proceeds. Let's all prosper with this movement!

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Online Event
Hosted by Joa White Eagle