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Transitions in Therapeutic Flying

Price FREE – $55 AUD + BF Get tickets

Event description

Join us for an advanced workshop focusing on learning & refining interesting transitions in therapeutic flying!

We will explore transitional flying moves such as the turn-table ~ prasarita twist ~ bat to wheel & more ~ in which we can link our flying practice creatively together into a fluid & therapeutic experience. 

This workshop is aimed at...

~ anyone wishing to gain confidence & technique in their flying practice 

~ acro-yogi's wishing to soften their practice into a lunar / therapeutic one

Please note previous experience is required in acro yoga or flying therapeutics (prior attendance of my workshops is enough)

What the workshop entails… 

This is a 3 hour workshop which will begin with qi gong to ground into our bodies and clear our energy, warm up and connect with partner movement practice from acro-yoga and contact dance improvisation, then dive into learning our flying therapeutics transitions. The practice will is closed with a guided Zenthai shiatsu massage sequence, giving each person an opportunity to relax and unwind.



Gondwana Sanctuary Hall
23 Prestons Lane, Tyagarah 
Sunday 30th June
2.00 - 5.00 pm
3 hours
$55 per person 


What is therapeutic flying?
Therapeutic flying is a movement practice created through a meeting of acro-yoga and thai massage. As the name suggests you are flying! You are upside down and experiencing weightlessness as the giver supports your body in unique ways using gravity to create a deep relaxed feeling like no other.

Do you need to have any previous experience?
This is an advanced workshop so previous experience in either flying therapeutics, acro yoga or zenthai/ thai massage required. 

Do you need a partner/ can I bring a partner?
You do not need a partner, we will partner you up & it’s a great chance to connect with new people to come on your own.

Do you need to be flexible/ strong?
No, this workshop is structured to be accessible to all - we value community and inclusion. However please note it is a physical practice. Be ready to challenge yourself physically and please remember you are responsible for listening to your body and respecting your limits or any injuries.

What do I need to bring?
A water bottle, towel if you get sweaty when exercising, clothes that you can move easily in and go upside down (think yoga, stretchy pants, fitted top or shirt) & your smile!


Monique is passionate about creativity, connection and freedom through movement. Her movement background began with competitive olympic weightlifting and in 2019 found the world of circus, falling in love with hand balance, partner acrobatics and acro yoga. She then fell in love with the expression of fire dancing, performing across festival and events on the east coast over the past three years. Her journey has brought her to share the healing power of touch and partner connection as a Zenthai Shiatsu Therapist, practicing and teaching workshops in the Northern Rivers.

Connect with Monique...

Instagram @intouchbodytherapy 


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