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Understanding Power and Influence - A Bike Auckland Community Workshop

Takapuna War Memorial Hall
auckland, new zealand
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Bike Auckland is excited to bring you an event to help strengthen your tools for effective bike advocacy in your community, with expert facilitator and policy advocate, Erin Thomas. (Note: Erin is facilitating two workshops covering the same subject territory, one on the North Shore, one in East Auckland.)

Building winning advocacy campaigns requires us to understand power and how to shift it. In this workshop, participants are invited to learn about power and influence through an interactive role play scenario focused on bike infrastructure. Participants will leave with a framework they can use to develop their own savvy advocacy strategies.

A three-hour gathering, there will be time to meet your neighbours and strengthen your own connections, while we learn practical applications for influencing decision makers about all things cycling.

Erin is a Director and Change Facilitator at ICAAD ( International Centre for Advocates Against Discrimination). A skilled facilitator and researcher, Erin has worked on challenging human rights issues in the Pacific including gender-based violence and climate justice. Erin is an organiser at heart and thrives on bringing people together to envision more just and equitable futures and confront the status quo. In addition to her work with activists in the Pacific, her work has included Te
Tiriti o Waitangi education with Pākehā and new immigrants and facilitating co-design workshops with communities passionate about active modes of transport. 

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Takapuna War Memorial Hall
auckland, new zealand
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Hosted by Bike Auckland