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Baba Yaga the Wild and Vasilisa the Wise - Storytelling & Soul Doll Making

Price $65 – $75 AUD + BF Get tickets

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BABA YAGA THE WILD AND VASILISA THE WISE - WOMEN'S STORYTELLING AND SOUL DOLL MAKING IS BEING HELD THURSDAY JULY 11TH, 6-9PM AT UKI HOLY TRINITY CHURCH. (Please arrive at 5.45pm for a 6pm start and bring any snacks or dinner etc. to eat during the break.)

Stories are profound soul medicine and you are invited to deep dive into the story of Vasilisa the Wise and Baba Yaga the Wild - an ancient female initiation tale that hails from deep and dark Slavic forests.  Anticipate being cast under the spell of a traditionally told oral story, snug in a circle of women in the beautiful 100-year-old Uki Trinity Church, and sharing what parts of the story are most alive in us. After the story we will drink nourishing fresh herbal teas together while creating and sewing our own intuition soul dolls to take home and keep in our metaphoric and actual pockets.


MELAINA FARANDA has facilitated sacred women's circles, ceremonies, rites of passage, as well as delivering numerous workshops, and sharing stories (biographical and imaginative) across Australia and the UK for decades. The author of over fifty books published nationally and internationally, Melaina is a lover of the mythopoetic and feels that to speak and listen to certain stories is to be breathed through silver and gold. She has attended England’s premier storytelling course, the Emerson College residential - Storytelling Beyond Words, along with additional in-person training with Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Dr Martin Shaw, Dr Sharon Blackie, Roi Gal-Or,  Karmit Evenzur, Ashley Ramsden, Shonaleigh Cumbers, Hugh Lupton, Angharad Wynne, Colin Campbell, and many storytelling luminaries in the UK and USA. 

MAYA KRASNA is a true daughter of Yaga country, raised and steeped in Slavic folk tales, and is an Eastern-European witch with a slightly wicked sense of humour. When she is not howling at the moon, she works with herbs and loves to talk about menstruation. She is trained in holding ceremonies by a Woptura lineage (Lakota people) and has a deep appreciation of old traditions and the wisdom of elders. Maya has formal arts, fashion design, natural therapies and ethics education. "I will be guiding you through the forest of your soul to help you make your special doll in a deeply meaningful way."

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