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Price $290 AUD + GST Register

Event description


This is the Visibility Collective: a place to drop anchor, feel grounded and lifted up by other changemakers just like you. To be visible to yourself, us, and the world (when you’re ready).  

Dates: 12-month membership from 29 February 2024
Cost: $290+GST/year (or included in the price of our Visibility Reboot or Visibility Kickstarter programs)

So. You’ve got a deep yearning to hatch your vision, get that big project off the ground, or heck, actually take it out into the world. That project might even be you. 

You want to keep alive the inspiration and clarity you gained in the time you spent with us, whether that was one day, three months or a whole year. You want to push past overwhelm, self-doubt and the real-life obstacles that stand in your way (That manager. Your mindset. A toxic relationship. The patriarchy. The fact that there are only 24 hours in a day.). You want some really good, sharp new skills and you want to be supported by a crew of people who will champion you as you courageously step into the person you hoped you’d always be; the leader you knew you’d be. As you step into visibility.

This is the Visibility Collective: a place to drop anchor, feel both grounded and lifted. To be visible to yourself, us, and the world (when you’re ready). 

What’s involved?

The Goods: practical and inspiring tools and content across the Three Pillars of Visibility, delivered in 6-weekly calls, to help you reconnect with what's important to you, challenge your thinking, refresh what you’ve already learned, or help you build, practice and embed practical skills. Plus connect in an authentic and fun way with people who will inspire you. We're talking friendships and potential collaborations here - not irky forced networking!

The Guidance: group coaching with Jules May and Sare Anderson or guest speakers from our amazing collective each month, plus access to VIP events, retreats and the inaugural Visibility Festival! More detail on these soon!

The Group: connection with a powerful and diverse community of values-aligned change-makers of all genders who are there to learn, practise, contribute AND ask for help. 

What you get:

  1. 90-minute Zoom calls every 6 weeks or so for 12 months (8 calls a year - see dates below)
  2. Invitations to exclusive community-only Collective dinners 
  3. Exclusive invitations and discounts to retreats and other events throughout the year (watch this space!)
  4. Online community - access to our community of incredible purposeful changemakers - who range from social entrepreneurs to movement-makers and changemakers in non-profit, academia, government and corporate. 

Call dates:

  1. Wednesday 27 March 2024, 12.30pm - 2pm AEDT
  2. Wednesday 8 May, 12.30pm - 2pm AEST 
  3. Wednesday 19 June, 12.30pm - 2pm AEST
  4. Wednesday 31 July, 12.30pm - 2pm AEST
  5. Wednesday 11 September, 12.30pm - 2pm AEST
  6. Wednesday 23 October, 12.30pm - 2pm AEDT
  7. Wednesday 4 December, 12.30pm - 2pm AEDT
  8. Wednesday 29 January 2025, 12.30pm - 2pm AEDT

Ready to jump into the Collective?  Sign up now, and early in 2024 we’ll send you a welcome pack with more detail on the Goods, an invitation to our next Guidance session, and an invitation to join the Group, our exclusive community. 

Questions? Feedback? Email Elicia Duczmal, Operations and Programs Manager, at hello@visibilityco.com

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Refund policy

The registration fee of $290+GST covers your first year of membership (for 2024). We will be in touch with you before proceeding with the membership fee for 2025. A refund will be granted if you register for our Visibility Reboot or Kickstarter programs before they commence. No other refunds will be granted.