Event: VOCES8
General information
Contact name
Luke Donohoe
Contact number
0433 257 677
Travel instructions
St Joseph's is at 3 Salvado Road, Subiaco and has drive-up access to the front door. ACROD parking is available if required. The 337 bus stops approx 1 min away from the east of the church.
Entry instructions
Entry to the church is via two large double doors on the north end of the venue. There is a small brass door jamb trim on the floor of the door way, followed by a permanent foot mat. Once inside the main doors, the foyer space is a flat marble floor. Entry into the performance area is via large double doors which will be pinned open, but can swing either way should they be closed. The aisle of the performance space are carpeted and the floors the pews are on are hard, finished wood. There is a shallow brass trim where the carpet meets the hard wood.
After entry instructions
There are two double doors giving access to the entire performance space. A small portion of seating will be directly ahead of you when entering the performance space. Access to rows ending in number 1 or two are via the aisle on the left, rows ending in number 2 or 3 can be accessed via the central aisle & rows ending in 3 or 4 can be accessed via the aisle on the right. Ushers will stationed in the venue to assist if required.
You may need to take a lift up to ground level depending on where you park. The church is located on a large block of land that contains several adjacent surfaces such as grass, paving & concrete. All surfaces are well looked after. The church itself also has a number of surfaces such as concrete, carpet and finished hard wood. All surfaces inside the church are finished well, and appropriately joined.
Toilet location
Bathroom access is via the main doors on the north end of the church, to the right and down the eastern side of the church heading south. The accessible bathroom is immediately after the stair to your right.
Accessible parking
There are two accessible bays directly next to the church. Please advise if you'd like one reserved, noting a valid ACROD permit is required. There are also ACROD bays available underground and at St John of God, but we are unable to reserve these.
The following accessibility features are provided at the event