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WA Coastal Running Festival - BURNS BEACH

Beachside Park
burns beach, australia
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Sun, 29 Jun, 7am - 11am AWST

Event description

The WA Coastal Running Festival is a new and exciting event that takes in the beautiful WA coastline and its coming to Burns Beach.

The event course starts at Beachside Park and follows the path north towards Mindarie, taking in some challenging inclines as well as the picturesque Indian Ocean.

The event boasts two partner relay events and two solo events.

Partner Relays:

Find your BRF (Best Running Friend) and together tackle the 10km or 20km events as a partnership. This run is conducted in a relay format, meaning while one partner is running the other is resting. During the combined 10km distance each partner will run 2.5km twice each. During the combined 20km distance each partner will run 5km twice each.


If you fancy a solo challenge, then both the 8km and 16km events will offer you just that.

All four events will be fully timed via a running chip.

10KM Partner Relay

Start Time: 7.30am

Course: Burns Beach Path. Starting at Beachside Park heading north 1.25km, then returning to the start line to tag your running partner.

Participants must be 13 years or over.

Cost: $50 as a team. $25 each, pay as a team/no separate payments.

20KM Partner Relay

Start Time: 7.25am

Course: Burns Beach Path. Starting at Beachside Park heading north 2.5km, then returning to the start line to tag your running partner.

Participants must be 13 years or over.

Cost: $70 as a team. $35 each, pay as a team/no separate payments.

8KM Solo Run

Start Time: 7.20am

Course: Burns Beach Path. Starting at Beachside Park heading north 4km, then returning to the finish line

Participants must be 13 years or over.

Cost: $45

16KM Solo Run

Start Time: 7.15am

Course: Burns Beach Path. Starting at Beachside Park heading north 4km, then returning to the start line and repeat.

Participants must be 13 years or over.

Cost: $60

**all events will incur a small processing fee

Thank you to our 2025 WACRF Event Sponsors: 

City of Joondalup


In return for taking part in the WA Coastal Running Festival I release, indemnify and hold harmless WA Coastal Running Festival and its organisers against all and any actions, claims which may be made by me or my peers. Whether by negligence, breach of contract or in any way.

I am aware that the WA Coastal Running Festival or its organisers cannot be held responsible for the health of an individual, and that it is my responsibility to ensure I am physically ready to undertake this event.

I acknowledge the activities I am about to undertake have potential dangers, and by participating in them I am exposed to certain risks and take responsibility for any injury, illness, death or property resulting from my participation in this event.

As a participant I am aware and responsible for:

1. Physical or medical conditions I may have, of which I may or may not be aware of.

2. My personal property may be lost or damaged.

3. The WA Coastal Running Festival and its organisers do not hold medical examinations prior to the event.

4. The conditions in which activities are conducted may vary without warning.

5. There may be no adequate facilities for treatment or transport for me if I am injured. St Johns Ambulance will be in attendance. 

I also give consent to the WA Coastal Running Festival and its organisers to take photographs and videos during the event and use them as promotion material for future events.

Parents and Guardians entering participants under the age of 18. It is your responsibility to make sure that the younger participants are made aware of the above terms and conditions in the Participant’s Waiver prior to the event.



All participants must obey the instructions of the event director and event volunteers.


Running carries elements of risk. It is the responsibility of all participants to conduct themselves in a safe manner and to help other participants if injured or in need of assistance.


Please remember that the Burns Beach course is a publicly shared path (including other walkers, runners and cyclists). Signage will be placed on the day of the event warning the public there is an event taking place and to avoid the path. To ensure everyone continues to enjoy the event safely, please keep left on the path.


To ensure the safety of all participants, cut off times will be 2.5 hours after the start time for each event.


If, after the event has started, a participant withdraws from the event for any reason, they must notify an event volunteer. This is required to avoid unnecessary searches for missing Participants.


Many runners enjoy listening to music as they run. However, we recommend you leave your music devices at home and enjoy the path and the camaraderie of those running with you. If using a music device, please do not disturb other participants and ensure you are able to hear event volunteer instructions.


For safety reasons, kids and dogs are not permitted to run with you.


We do not send event packs to participants in the post. Event bibs can be collected prior to the event and on the event day at the registration table - more details to be provided later. The event bib is to be worn on the front of the Participant’s torso. It must always be visible. It is used to identify participants on course and will include an electronic timing chip.


We will provide an area where personal belongings may be placed during the event. However, we do not accept responsibility for their safety. If you have valuables that you are concerned about, please do not leave them in this area.

Event volunteers may take photos and videos. These images may be made available for publication on social media, websites or paper media. By participating, the Participant gives permission for any images and commentary that includes them to be used by the event organisers and their partners.


Our goal is to leave the path and grass area as we found them. No rubbish is to be left on the course. Please place all items, no matter how small, in pockets for depositing in bins at start/finish area.


Registrations will close on Thursday 15th June, 2025 so don't miss out!


We are pleased to have Runningworks as our timing provider for all 4 events.


For further information please contact Sean 0402 437 500 or by emailing

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We are unable to offer refunds if you are no longer able to participate. We can help with a partner swap for the relay events

If the Event is cancelled prior to the event day for safety concerns or otherwise as a result of something beyond the reasonable control of the Event Organiser (for example, extreme weather), the participant will have the option to have their entry fee refunded (excluding Humanitix booking fees) Notification of the cancellation will be sent via email or SMS to those who have provided valid addresses and numbers.

WA Coastal Running Festival (WACRF) is an event run by John McCrory at Rebel Fitness. 

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Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity

Beachside Park
burns beach, australia