World Localization Day 2021
Event description
Join us from June 13th - June 20th for extraordinary talks, interviews and live sessions.
One ticket gives you access to 15+ sessions spread over 7 days!
From June 13th to June 20th, we will explore what can be achieved with a global to local shift and how to go about it. We will discuss how localization can move us beyond polarization, and positively affect every aspect of our lives - from the inner, spiritual and psychological dimensions to the business world and governance at the local, national and international level.
Program overview
Please click/tap the program to zoom in.
Details may change and additional events will be added. We will email the final event details and reminders to ticket holders. This is a global event and we've tried to accommodate all time zones. Here is a time zone converter to check start times where you are.
We will record all sessions and share recordings with ticket holders the week after the event.

Live Session/Partner Event Details
Pre-WLD June 13
Connecting to Place, Caring for Country and Caring for Each Other
Mary Graham, Anne Poelina, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Michelle Maloney
Hosted by Australian Earth Laws Alliance, New Economy Network Australia, Future Dreaming Australia, Local Futures.
10pm - 12am EDT (UTC-4)
What does 'localization' mean in Australia? How do we achieve deep localization and a society based on well-being? Two indigenous women elders join Helena and Michelle to share insights about how to build a localized, Earth-centred, socially just society.
Pre-WLD June 14
How can we create community-owned neighbourhoods?
Hosted by YoCo Central Co-Owned
2pm - 3.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
Join York Central Co-Owned Neighbourhood project, for the premier of their new short film, featuring local activists and thinkers, sharing their vision for the regeneration of York Central - a major brownfield site in York. Take part in an open discussion about York’s community-led & orientated urban counter-development plans and about the relevance of YoCo’s strategies & activities in a global context.
June 15
Coming Back to Life
Camila Moreno, Chris Smaje, Daniel Wahl with Helena Norberg-Hodge and Manish Jain
7am - 8.30am EDT (UTC-4)
Mainstream environmentalism is embracing a techno-optimist ‘Green New Deal’ based on a narrow, carbon-centric view of Nature. But more holistic voices are calling for quite a different approach – one based on rebuilding human-scale, regenerative cultures that dramatically minimize fossil fuel and resource use while actively healing the ecosystems they inhabit. Join daring critics and bold future-visioners as they outline a life-affirming path that refuses to capitulate to technocratic manipulation.
From Corporate Control to Local Regeneration
David Korten, Pat Mooney, Ronnie Cummins with Helena Norberg-Hodge
7am - 8.30am EDT (UTC-4)
Four system change veterans – including two Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize) recipients – meet up for a very special conversation. These elders are all sharp critics of globalization as well as pioneering voices for alternatives. Sharing from four decades of experience, they offer us both a reality check and concrete proposals for change.
Fostering a Favourable Ecosystem for Local Green Enterprises
Hosted by Development Alternatives, National Coalition for Natural Farming, Kalpavriksh and Bhoomi College
6.30am - 8.30am EDT (UTC-4)
Tune in to this online panel discussion about Local Green Enterprises (LGEs) in India. Are Local Green Enterprises getting a stake in a green and inclusive post-COVID recovery process? What do we mean by "local"? How can we better define it? What are the signature issues faced by these local entrepreneurs? Is there a metric system to assess the LGEs? The conversation will draw examples and inspiration from different sectors and geographical regions of India.
Local Life, Food & Livelihoods
Hosted by Totnes REconomy Project, Local Spark Torbay and Schumacher College
12.30pm - 3.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
Join localization-creatives from the South West of England for an amazing virtual potluck dinner party (bring your local meal & drink along). Meet inspiring regenerative farmers and local economy innovators from a region that is known internationally for its broad and deep contributions to worldwide movements for economic relocalisation, regenerative agriculture, Transition and bioregionalism.
June 16
Reimagining the Next Economy
Hosted by Gunna Jung in collaboration with LAB2050
12am - 2.40am EDT (UTC-4)
Embedding Human, Natural, Community and Digital Values into Development
In this seminar, a variety of speakers will discuss building a new economic system for genuine social and economic development. Clifford Cobb, Editor of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, will lead a discussion on why a new economic indicator is necessary. Helena Norberg-Hodge, founder of Local Futures, will speak about values overlooked in the dominant economi. Young Jun Choi (Yonsei University, Korea) and LAB2050 will unveil a newly-developed GPI (Genuine Progress Indicator) for Korea. The event concludes with a panel discussion between LAB2050, John Anders Hayden (Dalhousie University, Canada), Xi Ji (Peking University, China) and Ida Kubiszewski (Crawford School of Public Policy, Australia).
Recovering from COVID-19: Re-imagining our relationship to nature
Hosted by University of London SOAS Law, Environment and Development Centre, Global Tapestry of Alternatives, and Health of Mother Earth Foundation
8am - 9.30am EDT (UTC-4)
The COVID-19 pandemic is not a standalone crisis; it is intrinsically linked to the broader crisis of globalized development. In this conversation, Nnimmo Bassey (Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Nigeria) and Ashish Kothari (Kalpavriksh, India) will discuss post-COVID local recovery strategies that can build a more ecologically and socially just future: challenging today’s dominant development paradigms, envisioning a pluriversal future, and re-imagining our relationship with the earth and with nature.
Breaking free from the monoculture of the mind: Ecoversities Startup Workshop
Hosted by the Ecoversities Alliance
10am -12pm EDT (UTC-4)
The mainstream global University system and its knowledge production systems is essentially entrenched in the global economy and built on extraction, overconsumption, waste and war. If we want to grow the localisation agenda, we need to re-generate our local knowledge systems and skills, our wisdom traditions and cultural imaginations, and our relationships of care and trust. There is a growing network of community Ecoversities - (un)learning spaces for youth and adults - springing up around the world which are committed to challenging corporate control, decolonizing our lives, and restoring power back to communities in service of their local ecosystems, local economies, local cultures and languages. This workshop will highlight some of these diverse inspiring projects and invite participants into an interactive process of dreaming and starting their own Ecoversities in their communities
Connection at the Heart of Activism
Shilpa Jain, Pat McCabe, Alnoor Ladha with Helena Norberg-Hodge
9pm - 10.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
When it comes to making change in the world, the first step can often be the most challenging – reaching out beyond the individual to connect to like-minded others. Learn from four exponents of ‘sacred activism’ – who in turn have learnt from ancient cultural traditions – about how spiritually anchored relationships with others and with nature can inform and enhance the actions we take for a better world.
June 17
Want change? Focus on Food
Vandana Shiva, Colin Tudge, Sarojeni Rengam with Helena Norberg-Hodge and Manish Jain
9pm - 10.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
The global economy has transformed the beautiful act of growing food into a giant industry that is destroying our soil, our climate, our communities, and our bodies. Transforming the agricultural economy is the single most important way to heal ourselves and the planet. Join us to challenge the corporate control of our food, and to champion the ‘solution-multiplier’ that is a shift towards local food systems and peasant-led agroecology.
Strengthening food sovereignty movement building through localizing food systems
Hosted by ZIMSOFF & Via Campesina
9am - 10.15am EDT (UTC-4)
Elizabeth Mpofu (La Via Campesina, General Coordinator) and Nelson Mudzingwa (Zimbabwe Small Hoder Organic Forum/ZIMSOFF, National Coordinator) are the founding leaders of the Shashe Agroecology School that has become one of the most successful example of localized food systems based on fundamentals of spirituality and cosmovision. The leaders will share their experiences and talk about about growing from a family unit to becoming a movement of smallholder farmers.
June 18
Global to Local: Who has the map?
Michael Shuman, Judy Wicks, Richard Heinberg with Anja Lyngbaek
3pm - 4.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
How do we build strong local living economies for a post-carbon world? Tune into a stimulating conversation about how to move forward. Learn about concrete steps and real-life examples, from public banking and citizen-led local investment strategies to rural and urban communities working together to build healthy regional economies that work for all
Reclaiming our Food Systems through Sustainable Farming Practices
Hosted by Development Alternatives, National Coalition for Natural Farming, Kalpavriksh and Bhoomi College
6.30am - 8.30am EDT (UTC-4)
Tune into to watch a compilation of food interviews with people working on localization, carried out in connection with World Localization Day. Hear about whole host of issues linked to the reclaiming of food systems in India, from natural farming and local/regional traditional and neo-traditional practices to specific Climate Change Adaptations and local markets.
Starting a Sustainable food Cooperative that works - lessons from a small island
Hosted by The Sustainable Cooperative (SCOOP) Jersey
12pm - 2pm EDT (UTC-4)
This workshop explores the methodologies used to set up a small and successful agro-ecological food business on the island of Jersey. The workshop is split into 3 parts with short presentations and time for questions and comments: 1. Exploring cultural embedding to address a need within the community; 2. how stakeholder analysis helped understand systemic and structural barriers to success; 3 understanding the economics of your business.
June 19
It’s Far from Over: Young People Carrying the Torch
Kunzang Deachen and Thais Mantovani with Henry Coleman
6am - 8.30am EDT (UTC-4)
In movements across the world, young people are at the forefront as they struggle for a livable future. But seeking systemic solutions requires a whole lot of courage – courage to go beyond conventional notions of societal progress and personal success, and courage to embrace radical hope for the future. Join youngsters from the worldwide localization movement to explore visions of a localizing world.
Making Policies Work for the Future We Want
Jane Davidson, George Ferguson, Sarah McKinley with Anja Lyngbaek
2pm - 3.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
What kind of policies safeguard the wellbeing of people and planet? How can we stimulate healthy local economies that operate within ecological limits? How do we bring governance closer to home? Learn from people who have spearheaded visionary policies and community-building strategies. Hear about how a small country made it mandatory to consider future generations, about food-first policies, and about models to build community wealth.
June 20
The Way Home: Returning to Nature, Community and Self
Stephan Harding, Manish Jain, Ella Noah Bancroft
with Helena Norberg-Hodge
6am - 7.30am EDT (UTC-4)
For our entire evolution, human beings evolved in relationship with the communities and ecologies in which they lived. Nowadays, these connections are being severed by the false promises of the global economy. Join practitioners of deep ecology, alternative education, community-building and decolonization to celebrate the profound benefits of coming back home to our innate connections to life.
Localism: The ‘ism’ to End All ‘isms’?
Tyson Yunkaporta, Trudy Juriansz, Helena Norberg-Hodge
moderated by James Perrin
7pm - 8.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
Where will the most potent solutions to our global crises come from? This panel brings together daring and dynamic thinkers to unravel widely held assumptions that underpin the global monoculture. The conversation will also play with a compelling paradox: How does localization offer a clear and uniting trajectory for change, while simultaneously allowing for a pluralistic flourishing of diverse cultures and worldviews?
Co-creating a Movement for the World We Want
7.30am - 9am AND 8.30pm - 9.30pm EDT (UTC-4)
Join our global network of World Localization Day partners to celebrate localization in action. Don't miss this unique opportunity to hear from community leaders, groups and networks from across the globe who are undertaking an array of inspiring initiatives in their own countries, and together are helping to co-create a global movement for localization.
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity