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Youth Perspectives on Carbon Neutrality - with Minister of Transport Hon Michael Wood

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The United Nations Association of New Zealand (UNA NZ) is proud to host a Climate Change event, focused on providing a platform for young people to discuss the goal of carbon neutrality in Aotearoa with industry, academic, and policy leaders. The goal of the event is to open a dialogue between young and engaged stakeholders of climate reform and a panel of notable speakers from academia, policy, and industry. UNA NZ appreciates that young people will inherit the burden of climate change, and consider it the defining issue of their generation. We are eager to provide them with a platform to begin a dialogue with key stakeholders in climate reform. Hon Michael Wood, Minister of Transport, will kick-off the event with a 10 minute keynote address. The Minister will have 5 minutes to answer questions (please submit these in advance as per the sign-up form). We are then proud to host our panel of key stakeholders in climate reform , which will include: Benjamin Priest, Meridian Energy, Electric Vehicle Product ManagerSophie Handford, Kapiti Councilor for Climate and YouthDr Alex Lo, Climate Change Research Centre, Victoria University of WellingtonRichard Briggs, Manager Transport Programme, Energy Efficiency and Conservation AuthorityWe are also delighted to be joined by Nkaya Paulsen-More (Te Mana Ākonga), Liam Davies (NZUSA), Jaistone Finau (Tauira Pasifika), and Grace Cowley (Generation Zero) as our youth representatives to drive the dialogue.

Hon. Michael Wood 

Michael was first elected to Parliament at the  2016 Mt Roskill by-election. In opposition he was Labour’s spokesperson for Transport,  Revenue, and Consumer Affairs, and after the  election he had roles as Parliamentary Under Secretary to the Minister for Ethnic 

Communities and Chair of the Finance &  Expenditure Select Committee, before coming into  the Chief Labour Whip role in mid-2019. Following  the 2020 General Election, Michael became a  sworn Member of the Executive and was  appointed by the Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern as the  Minister of Transport and Minister of 

Workplace Relations and Safety. He was also given  the role of Deputy Leader of the House. Michael  also continues a strong association with New  Zealand’s vibrant and growing Ethnic Communities  owing to his previous role and the highly diverse  nature of the Mt Roskill electorate he represents.

Dr Alex Lo 

Dr Alex Lo is Senior lecturer in Climate Change at  Victoria University. He is an environmental social  scientist studying climate change action, policy  and finance. His recent work focuses on the role of  carbon emission trading and carbon offsetting in  decarbonization in China and the Asia Pacific  region. Before coming to New Zealand, he was a  lecturer and assistant professor in Australia and  Hong Kong. He is a core member of the NZ Climate  Change Research Institute and the programme  director of the Masters of Climate Change Science  and Policy, both in Victoria University.

Councillor Sophie Handford

Sophie Handford is a 20-year-old Councillor and  activist from Kāpiti, New Zealand. Since the age of  12, Sophie has held the environment closely and  always felt a strong connection to and need to  protect this one planet we share. Sophie was  service captain, student rep and Head Girl at  various points throughout her secondary  schooling at Kāpiti College. After graduating, she  founded School Strike 4 Climate in Aotearoa NZ  and went on to coordinate the movement which  mobilised 170,000 people across the country in  September. She is now the Paekakariki - Raumati  Ward Councillor on the Kāpiti Coast District  Council.

Richard Briggs 

The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority  (EECA) is a government agency whose purpose is  to mobilise New Zealanders to be world leaders in  

clean and clever energy use. Our strategic focus  areas are based on influencing the energy  decisions in the transport, business, and  residential sectors. The Transport team takes a  portfolio view of all investments into the  Transport sector from SME’s to large commercial  businesses. The Team provides relationship  management and investment outcomes for  transport related activities. The Transport team  also administers on behalf of the Government,  The Low Emission Transport Fund. Funding will  reach up to $25 million per year for co-funding  projects by 2023/24. The fund supports the 

demonstration of high potential and replicable  solutions, and adoption of low emission transport  technology, innovation and infrastructure to help  accelerate the decarbonisation of the New  Zealand transport sector. Prior to joining EECA,  Richard had an extensive career in the  

telecommunications industry, holding positions at  Director, CEO and General Manager level for local  and multinational organisations.

Benjamin Priest 

As a 100% renewable energy generator Meridian  is passionate about the positive impact that  transport electrification can have on New Zealand.  Ben works as part of the Meridian team playing  their part to support this goal, from supporting  kiwi businesses to transition to electric, whether it  be land, sea or air, to investing in public charging  infrastructure to make the choice easier for all.  Having worked in the NZ energy sector for over 13  years, Ben is a passionate and leading expert in his  field. His career has focused on the adoption and  scaling of new technologies and the design and  implementation of new business models. Also has  a background in financial trading, operational  management and meterology. 

Youth Representatives 

Nkhaya Paulsen-More 

National President at Te Mana Ākonga (National Māori  Tertiary Students’ Association)

Jaistone Finau 

National President at Tauira Pasifika (National Pacific Tertiary  Students’ Association)

Tessa Guest 

Student President at Massey at Wellington Students’ Association

Liam Davies 

National Vice President at New Zealand Union of Students’  Associations

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