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2025 Confirmation

Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara
lindfield, australia
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Event description

Welcome to Confirmation 2025 at LK Parish

To register please read all the information carefully and fill in all the fields in the form.

Celebration Day with Bishop Anthony will be held on Thursday, 5 June 2025at 5.00 PM  or  7.00 PM  

Important to note:

1. Eligibility

Candidates must be Baptised and be eight years of age or older (Year 3 minimum). Confirmation is made before Reconciliation and First Eucharist.

2. Choosing a Confirmation Name

Have a good idea of a Confirmation Name for your child before the program begins. This name can be the name given to them at Baptism (if this is a Saint's name) or the name of a suitable canonised Saint from the link below.  The Saint's name should be of relevance to your child: eg Feast day near their birthday, affinity with the Saint's life or cause, their own name, or the name of person special to them.

LINK - National List of Saints Names

3. Choosing a Sponsor

The Sponsor you choose for your child must be a practising Catholic, who is a fully-initiated member of the Catholic church (i.e. has completed their Sacraments, being Confirmation, Reconciliation and First Communion) and is over the age of 16. It is desirable that the Godparent at Baptism, if present, also be the Sponsor at Confirmation. A parent cannot be the sponsor. Another adult may 'stand-in' on the day for the Sponsor, e.g. if the Godparent cannot attend.

If you wish to discuss any of the above, please contact me on

4. Parent Meeting

Tue 6 May 7-9 pm at St Brigid's Hall above the Lindfield Church -  Compulsory attendance by one parent/carer (no children)

      ** Bring a PHOTO of your child to the parent meeting for display in the church.

      Please ensure that your child is enrolled online before this evening.

      5. Baptism Certificate

      Send a copy your child's Baptism Certificate by email to

      6. Preparation Sessions: 

      You must check that the dates work for you before you enrol. Sessions are ALL COMPULSORY for the candidate and a parent/carer.

      1. Sunday, 18 May at 4.45 pm for Sessions 1; followed by Rite of Enrolment at the 6pm Mass.
      2. Sunday 25 May, from 4 to 6 pm for Sessions 2 and 3; followed by 6pm Mass.
      3. Sunday 1 June, at 4.45 pm for Session 4, followed by Presentation of the Apostle's Creed at 6pm Mass.
      4. Practice will be held on Tuesday 3 June at 4 pm Killara and 5.30 pm Lindfield.

      Each week, it is also mandatory to attend the Mass after sessions. Please communicate with Maia if an issue arises.

      Please have your child pack a bottle of water and a pencil case for each session.  There will be a snack break - there is no eating in the classrooms.

      7. Celebration

      The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on THURSDAY 5 JUNE  - 5pm at Killara and 7pm at Lindfield

      8. Presentation of Certificates
      Certificates will be presented at the 10.15am Children's Mass on Sunday 15 JUNE at Lindfield.

      For more information email Maia Schulze on

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      Catholic Parish of Lindfield-Killara
      lindfield, australia