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2nd and 4th Monday Acrylics and More with Sara

Firehouse Art Center
longmont, united states
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Event description

Acrylics and More

Explore the joy of acrylic paint with its wide range of techniques to create realistic rendering, abstract, collage, and assemblage art. Each session will begin with mindful drawing to relax your busy mind to create space for new ideas. Whether you are new to acrylics or a veteran, there will be something new to explore each workshop. You may jump in anytime but, do be aware spring sessions will be open studio time to finish your work art.

Ages: 18 and up (under 18 with FAC parent permission policy-As a licensed art educator, home school grade 8-12 are welcome for elective credit)
2-10 students

Class Fees:
$35 per class (paid via cash, check, Square or Venmo)
– 25% of the class fee will support the Firehouse Art Gallery
– Students need to bring a 9"X11" or 11"X14" Mixed Media sketchbook and a pencil and/or a permanent drawing ink pen. Students will need to bring brushes, paints, and painting surfaces after the January session.
– Feel free to bring a friend!

Meet your instructor- Sara Broers Brown
As an acrylic and textile artist, Sara L. Broers Brown, has created and taught art in Boulder County, Colorado, for over twenty years. She has taught elementary and high school in the St Vrain Valley School District as well as workshops for all ages at private and non-profit instatatutions such as the Firehouse Art Center. Starting at a young age, Sara has participated in local and national juried shows during which her work has earned high honors and awards. Sara’s work ranges from portraits to landscapes which are often surrealistic in nature. She is best known for her acrylic collage pieces. While studying at Colorado State University, graduating with a BA concentration in painting, a K-12 Art Eduction license, and creative writing minor, Sara discovered the versatility of the acrylic medium. Concurrently, she discovered quilting repairing antiquè quilts and creating her own hand quilted pieces. The scrapes of clothe from the quilts found on her studio floor became part of her acrylic paintings initiating the joy of of mixed media painting. Today, Sara uses a variety for materials such as origami paper in her acrylic collages as well designing original art quilts in a color collage style. Since 2000, Sara has been invited to curate and juror shows at professional art and quilt shows including East Boulder County Studio Tours Preview Show, Longmont Artist Guild annual shows, Longmont Quilt Guild’s Annual Fall Show, and various local businesses. She has also been guest juror for several student shows including Art Scholastics and various school district student annual art shows. Sara L. Broers Brown is a professional artist and practiced teacher as well as a mom to two young adult children and two silly Welsh Springer Spaniels.
“Creating art is my soul. A world without art is quite dual. Guiding others through creating art plays a major role in discovering the artist inside and allowing it to grow.”   

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Firehouse Art Center
longmont, united states