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Acting Out Loud

Canning Bridge Community Space
mount pleasant, australia
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Event description

Join us behind the scenes for our Lecture à la table. Reading at the table never fails to excite us. As we immerse ourselves in reading aloud for the first time, we delve into discussions about the story, the characters, and our emotional reactions. It is a moment that we want to share with you.

We welcome you at 6 pm with drinks and nibbles. (See the schedule of the night below)

Reading of LE VISITEUR, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt.

Résumé: Juin 1938. Les troupes hitlériennes viennent d'envahir l'Autriche. Dans Vienne occupée, Sigmund Freuc, vieux, malade, persécuté, inquiet pour le sort de sa fille Anna, découvre que derrière l'énigmatique visiteur qui le surprend dans son appartement se cache peut-être une incarnation de Dieu. 

  • Luc Félix / Sigmund Freud 
  • Meryl Brancato / Anna Freud 
  • Stuart Gunning / Le Nazi 
  • Caroline Muscat / L'inconnu 
  • Michele Dreyfus / Les didascalies 


Acting Out Loud is more than just a play reading; it's a celebration of the French language through the lens of theatre. Whether you're a French speaker passionate about theatre or a French learner looking to perfect your oral expression, this evening promises entertainment, inspiration, and connection.

Complimentary drinks & nibbles

We look forward to seeing you there!

IMPORTANT: This event is in FRENCH ONLY. No translation available. However, we know that sometimes listening can be difficult for French learners. To help you, we would be happy to provide you with a copy of the text so that you can read and listen simultaneously. However, we will only have the number of texts requested when purchasing tickets. For copyright reasons, you cannot keep the copy after the reading.


Schedule of the night
  • 6:00 pm - Doors open at 6pm
  • 6:15 pm - Reading part 1
  • Break and short discussion
  • Reading part 2
  • Break and discussion
  • Open mic


Event highlights
  • Dramatic Readings in French:
    • Immerse yourself in captivating stories as talented participants bring characters to life through dramatic readings of French plays. Discover the richness of the French language in a theatrical context.
  • Interactive Exploration of Plays:
    • Engage in an interactive exploration of the scripts, led by the director and the actors. Discover the nuances of each play, explore the intricacies of the French language, and delve into the rich tradition of Francophone theatre.
  • Open Mic for Enthusiasts:
    • Do you have a favourite scene, monologue or poem you've always wanted to perform in French? Our open mic session provides a safe platform for passionate participants to share their chosen pieces, creating a dynamic and diverse showcase of Francophone theatrical talent.
  • Active Participation for Learners:
    • For French learners, this evening offers a unique opportunity to practice the language in a fun and immersive way. Join us for an experience where you can develop your language skills while enjoying the entertainment.


Le Visiteur, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

LE VISITEUR, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

"La philosophie prétend expliquer le monde, le théâtre le représenter. Mêlant les deux, j'essaie de réfléchir dramatiquement la condition humaine, d'y déposer l'intimité de mes interrogations, d'y exprimer mon désarroi comme mon espérance, avec l'humour et la légèreté qui tiennent aux paradoxes de notre destinée. Le succès rend humble: ce que je croyais être mon théâtre intime s'est révélé correspondre aux questions de beaucoup de mes contemporains et à leur profond désir de réenchanter la vie." Eric-Emmanuel Shmitt. 

Philosophy claims to explain the world, theatre to represent it. Mixing the two, I try to reflect dramatically on the human condition, to place there the intimacy of my questions, to express my dismay as well as my hope with the humour and lightness that arise from the paradoxes of our destiny. Success is humbling: what I believed to be my intimate theatre turned out to correspond to the questions of many of my contemporaries and their deep desire to re-enchant life.



  • Is the reading surtitled?

No. However, for the comfort of French learners, we will have the text available. This will allow you to read and listen at the same time. And eventually, take note. 

  • Is the event accessible to wheelchairs?

Yes, the space is wheelchair friendly and includes accessible toilets. 

  • Where to park?

Free parking from 6 pm all around. 

  • What time do the doors open?

Doors open at 6 pm. Reading starts at 6:15.

  • From what age do you recommend this reading?

It always depends on the maturity of the young people. But let's say 14 years old. No vulgarity or sexual scenes.

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Canning Bridge Community Space
mount pleasant, australia