Ale House Rock!
Event description
ALE HOUSE ROCK - A choir in a pub.
Christchurch’s best kept noisy little secret is moving to Altiora at The arts centre for a series of monthly sessions. If you know about the Aussie ‘Pub choir’ phenomenon, then you’ll understand the concept, for those that don’t, simply it a bunch of folks having a drink and a bloody good singsong with surprising results.
Hosted by Local music veteran David Thorpe AKA, Davey Backyard, The Skeatles, Li’l Chuck, The Black Velvet Band etc) these sessions are proven to be fantastic social sonic fun for all.
All the info
Do I need to be able to sing? - NO! That's all part of the fun.
How does it work? We'll pick apart songs, create a bit of order and harmony, split the group into sections, call and response that kind of thing...
What songs will we sing? - Popular ones with lots of nice bits you can hum, holler, sing or harmonise with.
Where is it? - Altiora at The Arts centre
When it is? - Monthly on Thursdays from 13th Feb
Is there a cover charge? Yes - 10 Bucks a head, per session.
Do we need to book? Get you ticket here at Humanitix
Will there be a Facebook event? -
Can anyone come? - YES, the more the merrier
Can we get food and drink? - Yes, there are food trucks at the arts centre and a bar at Altiora.
Can I have more info? - YES, This isn’t going to be St Paul’s cathedral choir, It’s all going to be a bit loose, a bit of a rabble-rouser, but
most importantly a good laugh and a good social. I’m not planning to directly copy any current format of other Pub Choirs, I'll put my own spin on it and we'll evolve and grow it together.
Will Davey have forgotten to tell me any vital information? - Probably
What if I need more info? - Just drop me a line via the singalong facebook page or my website
Shall we tell our friends? - Of course you should.
Am I right in thinking that this is a brilliant name? - Correct, Ale House Rock, Genius if I do say so myself.
Cheers, Davey.
Tickets for good, not greed Humanitix dedicates 100% of profits from booking fees to charity