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Awakening Seasons: A Soulful Journey Through the Wheel of the Year

Price £160 – £200 GBP + BF Get tickets

Event description

Join Kate Care for eight two-hour workshops celebrating the ancient Celtic festivals that mark the Earth’s yearly cycle and the changing seasons. Kate will intricately weave each celebration session with the underlying energy of the season, exploring how this energy affects us and how we can use it to lead a more soulful, nature-based life. Each workshop offers a blend of meditations, journaling, ceremony, creative activities and discussions tailored to deepen your connection with yourself, each other and the Earth. Through this holistic approach, you will find alignment with the natural rhythms of the Earth, so you can embrace the wisdom of each season in your life.

The Wheel of the Year brings a structure to our lives that helps us connect with the Earth. Celebrating her seasons, ourselves and each other, our achievements and our losses. Each of the eight festivals is celebrated with a different focus according to the season it marks. By consciously working with Earth’s changing energies, we learn to flow with Nature and with our own soul path.

The eight festivals of the Wheel of the Year are:

Samhain (October 31st / November 1st): The festival of endings and beginnings, of connection and renewal. This is the time the trees shed their leaves. A time to explore what we can let go of in our lives to clear the way for new growth. A time to look to our ancestors for guidance and prepare for the approaching winter.

Winter Solstice (around December 21st): Yule. Celebrating the shortest day and longest night of the year, Yule marks the rebirth of the sun and the return of longer days. It's a time of renewal, hope, and celebrating the return of light.

Imbolc (February 1st / 2nd): Imbolc heralds the first signs of spring. It's a time of purification, inspiration, and honouring the Goddess Brigid. Imbolc is the time to plan. It’s time to think of your new beginnings and allow the stirrings of excitement as we think of what seeds we want to plant, both physically and symbolically.

Spring Equinox (around March 21st): Ostara. Spring Equinox celebrates the arrival of spring, when day and night are equal in length. It's a time of balance, fertility, and new beginnings.

Beltane (April 30th / May 1st): Beltane marks the height of spring. It's a festival of fertility, passion, and celebrating the vitality of life. 

Summer Solstice (around June 21st): Litha. Celebrating the longest day and shortest night of the year, Litha honours the power of the sun at its peak. It's a time of abundance, growth, and celebrating the bounty of the Earth. A time to know who you are and stand strong under the midday sun.

Lammas (August 1st / 2nd): Also known as Lughnasadh. Lammas marks the first harvest of the year. It's a time of gratitude, abundance, and celebrating the fruits of our labour.

Autumn Equinox (Mabon, around September 21st): Autumn Equinox celebrates the second harvest and the arrival of autumn. It's a time of balance, reflection, and expression of gratitude for the abundance of the harvest season. A time to look closely at your life and see what needs to be shifted in advance of the winter ahead.

The dates of our sessions are as follows;

Summer Solstice: 22nd June 2024 
Lammas: 10th August 2024 
Autumn Equinox 14th September 2024 
Samhain 2nd November 2024 
Winter Solstice 21st December 2024 
Imbolc – 1st February 2025 
Spring Equinox 22nd March 2025 
Beltane 3rd May 2025 

Each session will run from 10am - 12pm. There will be hot and cold drinks and some nibbles to share around the fire.

Kate Care

Kate, founder of Breathe in the Forest, is an experienced shamanic practitioner and modern medicine woman, a certified forest bathing guide and natural mindfulness coach. Kate lives in tune with Nature and the Wheel of the Year and has gathered a rich tapestry of experiences and teachings that she loves to share.

Working in partnership with Mother Earth, Kate creates a safe space for her clients to connect more deeply with nature and their own true nature, inviting ‘the wild’ back into their lives. She weaves her own potent blend of nature connection practices to create intuitive offerings that reflect the energies of the people she works with, the energies of the land and the energies of the season. Each session is unique and may include meditation, breath work, walking, dancing, singing, mindful photography, journaling, drumming, ceremony or crafting.

Kate loves nothing more than to sit in circle around a fire with a like-minded community honouring Mother Earth through ceremony and drumming.


Sliding scale of £160 - £200 per person for the eight session course.

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