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手機影片創作與製作課程初班 / Beginner's Course in Mobile Phone Film Creation and Production

Price $240 AUD + BF Get tickets

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(Scroll down for English version)


主辦團體:香港時空 (MVHK)






每堂:45 分鐘



截止報名日期:8 月 4 日

報讀要求: 學員須自備智慧型手機

時間: 8月11日-10月27日, 逢星期日中午12點 (如果報讀人數少於六人,課程將不會開辦,已報名的學員將於8 月 5 日收到通知,並獲得全額退款。)

地點:Meeting Room 201, Level 2, PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square, Sydney, NSW

導師:Cicely Tsang來自香港。擁有香港中文大學新聞與傳播學士學位,並在澳洲電影電視廣播學院取得碩士學位,主修Arts Screen Business。Cicely在無線電視 (TVB) 戲劇部門工作超過12年,從副導演晉升至導演。目前在悉尼,她是Ponder Entertainment的創辦人,同時擔任2CR電台的客座主持人。



- 學生自我介紹與分享他們對於影片製作的期望和目標

- 引導學生反思自身的生活經驗,包括喜怒哀樂、成長經歷等


- 分享如何從日常生活中尋找創作靈感,找出值得表達的故事

- 學習如何構思自己的影片故事,從個人經驗或生活中提煉出具有普遍性的主題


- 故事的起承轉合

- 將個人經驗轉化為具體的影片故事


- 介紹手機攝影的基本概念和技術

- 講解手機攝影器材的選擇和功能

- 示範基本的手機攝影技巧和操作方法


- 探討影片構圖的基本原則和技巧

- 示範不同視角的應用和效果

- 實際拍攝練習,學習如何通過構圖和視角設計來改善影片質素


- 講解動態構圖的原理和應用

- 示範運鏡技巧和相機運動的使用

- 實地拍攝練習,學習如何通過動態構圖和運鏡技巧來提升影片質素


- 講解光線對影片拍攝的影響和應用

- 教導如何控制和利用光線來拍攝影片

- 討論色彩對影片的重要性和調整方法


- 分享影片敘事結構和節奏掌握的技巧

- 如何利用不同運鏡來說故事


- 探討影像語言如何表達情感

- 學習如何通過影像語言有效地傳達個人情感和故事


- 介紹手機影片後期剪輯軟件的功能和操作方法

- 演示影片剪輯、配樂和字幕添加的基本步驟


- 探討音樂和聲音對影片氛圍和情感的影響

- 教導如何選擇和應用背景音樂和音效

- 實踐創作,學習如何通過音樂和聲音效果來增強影片表現力



Title: Beginner's Course in Mobile Phone Film Creation and Production

Organiser: MVHK (Metaverse Hong Kong)

Course description:

In today's digital era, everyone has the potential to become a skilled filmmaker. Our beginner’s course on mobile phone film creation and production equips you with the essentials to craft compelling stories using just your smartphone. Starting from the basics, you'll learn how to use your camera not just as a recording tool, but as a powerful medium of personal expression.

Course Highlights:

  • Enhance your video production capabilities.
  • Gain awareness of your surroundings, personal experiences, and cultural identity.
  • Transform your smartphone into an expressive storytelling tool.

Language of instruction: Cantonese

Number of Lessons: 12

Duration of each Lesson: 45 minutes

Total course fee: AUD $240

Class size: 6-12 students; we warmly welcome students with Hong Kong heritage.

Enrolment deadline: 4 August 2024

Enrolment requirements: Participants should bring their own smartphones.

Schedule: Every Sunday 12 noon-1pm; 11 August – 27 October 2024 (If the number of enrolments is less than six, the course will not run, Enrolled students will be notified on 5 August and will receive a full refund.)

Venue: Meeting Room 201, Level 2, PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square, Sydney, NSW

Enrol now and start your journey in mobile phone film making, capturing the world as you see it!

Instructor: Cicely Tsang, B.A. (Journalism and Communication), Chinese University of Hong Kong; M.A. (Screen Business), Australian Film Television Radio School

Cicely is a seasoned TV drama series director hailing from Hong Kong with over 12 years of experience in preproduction and production in TVB. In Sydney, she is the founder and director of Ponder Entertainment and a guest host of 2CR radio.

Course schedule:

Session 1: Self-Introduction and Personal Experience Exploration

  • Students will introduce themselves and discuss their expectations and objectives for the course.
  • The session will facilitate a guided reflection on students' life experiences, exploring their joys, challenges, moments of happiness, and personal growth.

Session 2: Finding Inspiration and Story Ideas

  • This session focuses on discovering inspiration in everyday life and identifying compelling stories to tell.
  • Students will learn how to develop their own film narratives and distil universal themes from their personal experiences.

Session 3: Fundamentals of Storytelling

  • An exploration of storytelling essentials, specifically how to craft engaging beginnings and satisfying conclusions.
  • Techniques will be introduced to help students transform personal experiences into structured film stories.

Session 4: Introduction to Mobile Videography

  • This lesson covers the basic principles and techniques of mobile videography.
  • It includes an overview of the necessary equipment for mobile videography, their functions, and selection criteria.
  • The session concludes with a practical demonstration of basic mobile videography techniques.

Session 5: Composition and Perspective in Filmmaking

  • Dive into the fundamental principles and techniques of film composition.
  • Engage in demonstrations that illustrate the impact of various camera angles and perspectives.
  • Participate in hands-on shooting exercises aimed at enhancing film quality through thoughtful composition and perspective design.

Session 6: Motion Composition and Advanced Camera Techniques

  • Learn about the principles and applications of motion composition to bring vitality to your film.
  • Explore different techniques of camera and lens movement through practical demonstrations.
  • Conduct on-site shooting exercises to master how motion composition and camera movements can significantly improve film quality.

Session 7: Lighting and Colour Management

  • Understand the impact and use of lighting in video shooting.
  • Learn techniques for controlling and manipulating light to enhance your videos.
  • Discuss the significance of colour in video and strategies for colour adjustment to set the right mood and style.

Session 8: Theme and Story Design

  • Explore effective story structure and pacing to keep audiences engaged.
  • Learn how different lenses can influence storytelling, enhancing narrative depth and focus.

Session 9: Emotional Expression and Film Language

  • Discover how film language can be used to express complex emotions.
  • Gain skills in conveying personal emotions and narratives effectively through visual storytelling techniques.

Session 10: Post-Production Editing and Production

  • Get introduced to the functionalities and operations of video editing software.
  • Practise the basics of video editing, including how to add soundtracks and subtitles to enhance storytelling.

Session 11: Application of Music and Sound Effects

  • Examine the role of music and sound effects in creating atmosphere and evoking emotions in film.
  • Learn to select and integrate appropriate background music and sound effects to enrich the viewer's experience.

Session 12: Sharing of Shooting Experiences

  • Engage in a collaborative session where students share their shooting experiences, discuss challenges faced, and highlight their learning outcomes. This final session fosters a community of learning and exchange among budding film makers.

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