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Beginners Cyanotype Playdate

Price $125 AUD + BF Get tickets

Event description

“Cyanotype is the one art form that allows me to fully relax into play.” - Linda
“All so magical, economical & accessible - a simple miracle to us all.” - Weiyu


Learn the magical art of cyanotype, an old alternative process photography using iron salts, the sun and water.

In this 3-hour self-paced workshop, you will be guided through the process from scratch so you will be able to do it again at home. You will have fun experimenting with different techniques to create beautiful blue botanical prints perfect for your home, as personalised cards or gifts for your loved ones.

All materials supplied but you’re welcome to bring your favourite delicate leaves and flowers.

We will have a maximum of 4 participants, plus Linda the cyanotype master teacher, and Weiyu your host/caretaker. If fully booked, a waitlist will open.

Humble afternoon tea will be served, please indicate any dietary needs at checkout.

For ideas and inspiration, visit Linda’s instagram page: @lindasukamta

For a feel of our cyanotype workshops, visit this post by Weiyu @ many arts studio


Feedback from past participants:

"I felt I was among friends and I learned a lot."

"The workshop really got my mind buzzing with creative possibilities for cyanotype and more."

"The cyanotype workshop was well organised in Many Arts Studio with everything prepared that we needed, including the sensitising chemicals, brushes, art paper and pressed and unpressed plants. We learnt about the history of cyanotype and completed several pieces of our own trying different techniques while feeling that the pace was relaxed and even therapeutic. We had a pleasant break for afternoon tea and left feeling inspired to try more of this historic yet still contemporary art form."


Other booking and payment methods (to save on booking fees):

PayID 0401 122 896 or EFT

Please email Weiyu: 


Many Arts Studio is situated at the Rear of 774 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn, Vic 3122. Entrance is from the cobbled back alley of Glenferrie Rd.

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