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Price $30 – $40 AUD + BF Get tickets

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We are delighted to be offering a star-aligning collaboration like no other from Bondi Kirtan and Evolva Tea Featuring Dalia Gencher, Chris Oaks and The Bondi Kirtan Band Team on May 27th in Paddington, Sydney at 6:30pm. 

This monthly instalments features a traditional Tea Ceremony facilitated by Tea Master, Yogini and Vedic Astrologist Dalia Gencher + Song Writer, Medicine Artist and Tea Master, Chris Oaks from Byron Bay.  The evening is presented in collaboration with EVOLVA TEA who will be sharing a select blend curated perfectly for our experience. 

Join us for an evening like never before at Bondi Kirtan where we draw on the mindfulness practice of Tea to the accompanying live soundtrack of Chris Oaks and Bondi Kirtan. Tea will be followed by an ecstatic Kirtan experience. 

If you are looking for a wholesome community experience to warm your cup and your heart this fall season, we would love for you to join our ever growing community. Together through live music meditations and the zen-science of Tea Ceremony, this is sure to be an unforgettable evening of heart-centered celebration and elevation. 

This event is open to all ages. *Limited tickets available for this unique offering.*

Warm wishes and see you there, 

Bondi Kirtan

Cha Dao; The Way of Tea is the beautiful tradition of sitting in Tea Ceremony. It is a merging of all the elements of nature, the sacred gift of the tea plants and a strong intention of presence that anchor this experience of mindfulness. For us, it is a way to deepen the inner silence, and simultaneously gather in connection. Many paths on the same journey, tea drops us in together to have a shared experience of the heart.

Evolva Tea is an organic chai brand that hand crushes, hand blends and packs their own tea with intention, depending on the ailment, moment and purpose. Their ethos behind what they do is to heal the body from the inside out, dealing with health holistically and having a strong inclination to the spiritual essence of chai. Evolva Tea helps the community through service and ceremony by incorporating their specialty chai blends at different spiritual events, allowing you to go deep within your practices.


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