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Cacao & Somatic Dance Journey

Price $35 NZD + BF Get tickets

Event description

Welcome to this months Cacao & Somatic Dance Journey

As we enter the slower pace of the Winter months this dance journey is an invitation to soften and find fluidity & ease through movement, weaving your way into connectivity with yourself and one another.

What is Somatic Dance?

This is a facilitated free form movement journey into the feeling layers of your body, supporting you to dissolve the thinking mind and connect deeply to the wisdom of your body. There is no right way to move or form to "get right".

Your journey will begin with the ceremonial sharing of the medicine of Cacao, to open your heart and begin awakening the feeling layers of your body before gently flowing into movement. The movement will build to a peak, allowing for full surrender before slowly coming back to stillness, where you will rest to integrate the insights received from your journey.

Everything offered in this space is an invitation and opportunity for you to listen to the wisdom of your body, while challenging any outdated patterns that no longer serve you, so you can step more fully into your truth and liberated expression.

No experience necessary to join us!

Our guidelines include:

No talking or phones on the dance floor

This is an alcohol & substance free space

All expressions are welcomed and judgement is an invitation into more freedom self-acceptance 

Please bring:

* A mug for cacao

* Cushion for opening circle

* Your curiosity & openness to receive 

Due to the venue spaces are limited to 20

Please register in advance to secure your space,

See you on the dance floor!

With Love,


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