Choose your tickets
Survey 1: Microbats - Friday, 28 March, 6:30 pm ticket
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls, and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps that catch and collect bats. If bats are captured successfully, participants will see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Leaders: Dr Nicola Hanrahan is a post-doctoral research fellow in bat ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying the ecology of Ghost Bats. Dr Damian Milne is a senior scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats, and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls, and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps that catch and collect bats. If bats are captured successfully, participants will see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Leaders: Dr Nicola Hanrahan is a post-doctoral research fellow in bat ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying the ecology of Ghost Bats. Dr Damian Milne is a senior scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats, and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
4 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 2: Microbats - Friday, 28 March, 6:30 pm ticket
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls, and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps designed to catch and collect bats. If bats are captured successfully, participants will have the opportunity to see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Leaders: Damien Stanioch is a Senior Wildlife Officer at the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT. Dr Damien Milne is a senior scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls, and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps designed to catch and collect bats. If bats are captured successfully, participants will have the opportunity to see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Leaders: Damien Stanioch is a Senior Wildlife Officer at the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT. Dr Damien Milne is a senior scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 3: Small Mammals - Saturday, 29 March, 6:30 am ticket
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Camera trap imagery will be reviewed afterwards at the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Life Saving Club. Leaders: Professor Brett Murphy is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University who studies aspects of the decline of Northern Australia’s small mammal populations. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Camera trap imagery will be reviewed afterwards at the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Life Saving Club. Leaders: Professor Brett Murphy is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University who studies aspects of the decline of Northern Australia’s small mammal populations. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 4: Small Mammals - Saturday, 29 March, 6:30 am ticket
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Camera trap imagery will be reviewed afterwards at the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Life Saving Club. Leaders: Professor Sam Banks is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University who specialises in genetic approaches to understanding mammal ecology in Northern Australia. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Camera trap imagery will be reviewed afterwards at the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Life Saving Club. Leaders: Professor Sam Banks is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University who specialises in genetic approaches to understanding mammal ecology in Northern Australia. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 5: Reptiles & Frogs - Saturday, 29 March, 7:30 am ticket
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the diurnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will include a morning of visual searching and hand searching. Visual searches use the naked eye or binoculars to identify active, diurnal species (e.g. dragons, skinks, monitors, snakes). Hand searches will be conducted by leaders and involve intensive searching of microhabitats (e.g. rocks, fallen timber, leaf litter, bark) for more cryptic or inactive taxa (e.g. small frogs, geckos and skinks). Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Dr Chris Jolly is a herpetologist at Macquarie University living in Darwin with extensive field experience across the Top End. Chris recently published the Field Guide to the Reptiles of the Northern Territory. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the diurnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will include a morning of visual searching and hand searching. Visual searches use the naked eye or binoculars to identify active, diurnal species (e.g. dragons, skinks, monitors, snakes). Hand searches will be conducted by leaders and involve intensive searching of microhabitats (e.g. rocks, fallen timber, leaf litter, bark) for more cryptic or inactive taxa (e.g. small frogs, geckos and skinks). Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Dr Chris Jolly is a herpetologist at Macquarie University living in Darwin with extensive field experience across the Top End. Chris recently published the Field Guide to the Reptiles of the Northern Territory. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
8 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 6: Reptiles & Frogs - Saturday, 29 March, 7:30 am ticket
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the diurnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will include a morning of visual searching and hand searching. Visual searches use the naked eye or binoculars to identify active, diurnal species (e.g. dragons, skinks, monitors, snakes). Hand searches will be conducted by leaders and involve intensive searching of microhabitats (e.g. rocks, fallen timber, leaf litter, bark) for more cryptic or inactive taxa (e.g. small frogs, geckos and skinks). Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Jordan Mulder is a herpetologist and avid wildlife photographer currently employed by Territory Natural Resource Management. Jordan lives in Darwin and has extensive field experience across the Top End. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the diurnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will include a morning of visual searching and hand searching. Visual searches use the naked eye or binoculars to identify active, diurnal species (e.g. dragons, skinks, monitors, snakes). Hand searches will be conducted by leaders and involve intensive searching of microhabitats (e.g. rocks, fallen timber, leaf litter, bark) for more cryptic or inactive taxa (e.g. small frogs, geckos and skinks). Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Jordan Mulder is a herpetologist and avid wildlife photographer currently employed by Territory Natural Resource Management. Jordan lives in Darwin and has extensive field experience across the Top End. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 7: Birds - Saturday, 29 March, 7:30 am ticket
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Andrew Bell is a member of BirdLife Top End and a former President of the NT Field Naturalists with a long-standing interest in the flora and fauna of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Mitch Rose is the Advocacy Officer at BirdLife Top End with years of experience observing the birds of Timor and – more recently – Darwin. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Andrew Bell is a member of BirdLife Top End and a former President of the NT Field Naturalists with a long-standing interest in the flora and fauna of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Mitch Rose is the Advocacy Officer at BirdLife Top End with years of experience observing the birds of Timor and – more recently – Darwin. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
8 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 8: Birds - Saturday, 29 March, 7:30 am ticket
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Bryan Baker is a Darwin-based environmental scientist with a keen interest in the birds of the Northern Territory. Bryan will be supported by other members of the BirdLife Top End engagement team. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Bryan Baker is a Darwin-based environmental scientist with a keen interest in the birds of the Northern Territory. Bryan will be supported by other members of the BirdLife Top End engagement team. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
8 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 9: Vegetation - Saturday, 29 March, 7:30 am ticket
What: Join local plant ecologists to survey the savanna woodland of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Vegetation surveys will be conducted in rectangular or circular plots using survey techniques commonly used to describe and classify vegetation across the Northern Territory. Participants will be involved in (a) assessments of cover and height; (b) measurements of tree diameters; (c) identification of flora species; and (d) preparation of voucher specimens for taxa that cannot be identified in the field. This will be hands-on citizen science and data collected will be used for informing conservation initiatives in the Reserve. Leaders: Dr David Liddle is a former senior scientist at the NT Government’s Flora and Fauna Division with a special interest in the conservation and restoration of vegetation in the Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Chris Obst is an ecologist at the NT Government’s Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, who works in vegetation monitoring and assessment. Notes: A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration.
What: Join local plant ecologists to survey the savanna woodland of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Vegetation surveys will be conducted in rectangular or circular plots using survey techniques commonly used to describe and classify vegetation across the Northern Territory. Participants will be involved in (a) assessments of cover and height; (b) measurements of tree diameters; (c) identification of flora species; and (d) preparation of voucher specimens for taxa that cannot be identified in the field. This will be hands-on citizen science and data collected will be used for informing conservation initiatives in the Reserve. Leaders: Dr David Liddle is a former senior scientist at the NT Government’s Flora and Fauna Division with a special interest in the conservation and restoration of vegetation in the Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Chris Obst is an ecologist at the NT Government’s Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, who works in vegetation monitoring and assessment. Notes: A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration.
9 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 10: Ground-dwelling Ants - Saturday, 29 March, 7:30 am ticket
What: Join local entomologists to survey ground-dwelling ants and other ground-foraging invertebrate fauna of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Participants will go into the field to collect invertebrates captured in specialised pitfall traps that have been set up in grassland, savanna woodland and rainforest habitats around the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Life Saving Club. Collected specimens will be taken back to a lab at the Base Camp. Under the supervision of scientific leaders, participants will use microscopes to sort, photograph and identify collected specimens. Specimens will be prepared for accession into MAGNT’s entomology collection. Leaders: Dr Kirsti Abbott is an entomologist and science education and engagement specialist who is the Head of Science at Museum and Art Gallery of the NT (MAGNT). Kirsti will be assisted by four members of the MAGNT engagement team. Notes. A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration. Bring a sense of curiosity!
What: Join local entomologists to survey ground-dwelling ants and other ground-foraging invertebrate fauna of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Participants will go into the field to collect invertebrates captured in specialised pitfall traps that have been set up in grassland, savanna woodland and rainforest habitats around the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Life Saving Club. Collected specimens will be taken back to a lab at the Base Camp. Under the supervision of scientific leaders, participants will use microscopes to sort, photograph and identify collected specimens. Specimens will be prepared for accession into MAGNT’s entomology collection. Leaders: Dr Kirsti Abbott is an entomologist and science education and engagement specialist who is the Head of Science at Museum and Art Gallery of the NT (MAGNT). Kirsti will be assisted by four members of the MAGNT engagement team. Notes. A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration. Bring a sense of curiosity!
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 11: Arboreal & Subterranean Ants - Saturday, 29 March, 7:30 am ticket
What: Join local entomologists to survey arboreal and subterranean ants in the monsoon rainforests of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Participants will first go into the field to collect ants captured in specialised traps that have been previously set up in monsoon rainforest adjacent to the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Lifesaving Club. Collected specimens will be taken back to a lab in the BioBlitz Base Camp. Under the supervision of scientific leaders, participants will use microscopes to sort and identify collected specimens. Leaders: Professor Alan Andersen is an ant biodiversity scientist based at Charles Darwin University who has been researching the remarkable diversity of ant communities in the Northern Territory for nearly 40 years. Notes. A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration. Bring a sense of curiosity!
What: Join local entomologists to survey arboreal and subterranean ants in the monsoon rainforests of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Participants will first go into the field to collect ants captured in specialised traps that have been previously set up in monsoon rainforest adjacent to the BioBlitz Base Camp at the Darwin Surf Lifesaving Club. Collected specimens will be taken back to a lab in the BioBlitz Base Camp. Under the supervision of scientific leaders, participants will use microscopes to sort and identify collected specimens. Leaders: Professor Alan Andersen is an ant biodiversity scientist based at Charles Darwin University who has been researching the remarkable diversity of ant communities in the Northern Territory for nearly 40 years. Notes. A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration. Bring a sense of curiosity!
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 12: Vegetation - Saturday, 29 March, 1:30 pm ticket
What: Join local plant ecologists to survey the savanna woodland of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Vegetation surveys will be conducted in rectangular or circular plots using survey techniques commonly used to describe and classify vegetation across the Northern Territory. Participants will be involved in (a) assessments of cover and height; (b) measurements of tree diameters; (c) identification of flora species; and (d) preparation of voucher specimens for taxa that cannot be identified in the field. This will be hands-on citizen science and data collected will be used for informing conservation initiatives in the Reserve. Leaders: Dr David Liddle is a former senior scientist at the NT Government’s Flora and Fauna Division with a special interest in the conservation and restoration of vegetation in Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Chris Obst is an ecologist at the NT Government’s Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, who works in vegetation monitoring and assessment. Notes: A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration.
What: Join local plant ecologists to survey the savanna woodland of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Vegetation surveys will be conducted in rectangular or circular plots using survey techniques commonly used to describe and classify vegetation across the Northern Territory. Participants will be involved in (a) assessments of cover and height; (b) measurements of tree diameters; (c) identification of flora species; and (d) preparation of voucher specimens for taxa that cannot be identified in the field. This will be hands-on citizen science and data collected will be used for informing conservation initiatives in the Reserve. Leaders: Dr David Liddle is a former senior scientist at the NT Government’s Flora and Fauna Division with a special interest in the conservation and restoration of vegetation in Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Chris Obst is an ecologist at the NT Government’s Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, who works in vegetation monitoring and assessment. Notes: A list of what to wear and bring will be provided on registration.
9 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 13: Birds - Saturday, 29 March, 3:00 pm ticket
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Andrew Bell is a member of BirdLife Top End and a former President of the NT Field Naturalists with a long-standing interest in the flora and fauna of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Mitch Rose is the Advocacy Officer at BirdLife Top End with years of experience observing the birds of Timor and – more recently – Darwin. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Andrew Bell is a member of BirdLife Top End and a former President of the NT Field Naturalists with a long-standing interest in the flora and fauna of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Mitch Rose is the Advocacy Officer at BirdLife Top End with years of experience observing the birds of Timor and – more recently – Darwin. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
8 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 14: Birds - Saturday, 29 March, 3:00 pm ticket
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Bryan Baker is a Darwin-based environmental scientist with a keen interest in the birds of the Northern Territory. Bryan will be supported by other members of the BirdLife Top End engagement team. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bird experts to survey the bush birds of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Over 200 species of birds have been recorded in the Reserve, including iconic species such as Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Little Kingfisher, Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove, Rainbow Pitta and Osprey. A suite of surveys will be conducted with binoculars using standard BirdLife Australia protocols (2-hectare, 20-minute surveys) in up to four habitat types (e.g. savanna woodland, monsoon vine thicket, mangroves and coastal grasslands). Leaders: Bryan Baker is a Darwin-based environmental scientist with a keen interest in the birds of the Northern Territory. Bryan will be supported by other members of the BirdLife Top End engagement team. Notes: Please bring binoculars if possible. A limited number of binoculars will be available at the BioBlitz Base Camp. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
8 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 15: Shorebirds - Saturday, 29 March, 4:15 pm ticket
What: Join local bird experts to survey the local and migratory shorebirds of Binybara/Lee Point. At high tide in the late afternoon up to twenty-five species of migratory shorebirds gather at a known roost on the beach at Lee Point. Participants will identify and count each species using specialised telescopes and binoculars. Standardised protocols developed by the BirdLife Top End Migratory Shorebird Monitoring Program will be followed. Leader: Trine Kruse and other members of the BirdLife Top End Migratory Shorebird Monitoring Program. Members of this group survey a series of sites around Darwin regularly and are experts in the identification of shorebirds. Notes: Spotting scopes will be provided but please bring binoculars if you have them. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bird experts to survey the local and migratory shorebirds of Binybara/Lee Point. At high tide in the late afternoon up to twenty-five species of migratory shorebirds gather at a known roost on the beach at Lee Point. Participants will identify and count each species using specialised telescopes and binoculars. Standardised protocols developed by the BirdLife Top End Migratory Shorebird Monitoring Program will be followed. Leader: Trine Kruse and other members of the BirdLife Top End Migratory Shorebird Monitoring Program. Members of this group survey a series of sites around Darwin regularly and are experts in the identification of shorebirds. Notes: Spotting scopes will be provided but please bring binoculars if you have them. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
6 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 16: Microbats - Saturday, 29 March, 6:00 pm ticket
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls, and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps designed to catch and collect bats. If bats are captured successfully, participants will have the opportunity to see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Acoustic recordings of bats may be reviewed at the BioBlitz Base Camp prior to field surveys. Leaders: Dr Nicola Hanrahan is a post-doctoral fellow in bat ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying the ecology of Ghost Bats. Dr Damian Milne is a senior scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls, and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps designed to catch and collect bats. If bats are captured successfully, participants will have the opportunity to see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Acoustic recordings of bats may be reviewed at the BioBlitz Base Camp prior to field surveys. Leaders: Dr Nicola Hanrahan is a post-doctoral fellow in bat ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying the ecology of Ghost Bats. Dr Damian Milne is a senior scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 17: Microbats - Saturday, 29 March, 6:00 pm ticket
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps designed to catch and collect bats. Participants will have the opportunity to see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Acoustic recordings of bats may be reviewed at the BioBlitz Base Camp prior to field surveys. Leaders: Damien Stanioch is a Senior Wildlife Officer at the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT. Dr Laura Ruykys is a scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local bat experts in surveys of the microbats of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Activities include (a) surveys using handheld ultrasonic bat detectors to identify bat species by echolocation calls and (b) observing leaders checking harp traps designed to catch and collect bats. Participants will have the opportunity to see microbats up close while basic measurements of collected bats are taken by the survey leaders. Bats will then be released near their site of capture. Acoustic recordings of bats may be reviewed at the BioBlitz Base Camp prior to field surveys. Leaders: Damien Stanioch is a Senior Wildlife Officer at the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT. Dr Laura Ruykys is a scientist at the NT Government's Flora and Fauna Division. Notes: Bring a torch, preferably a head-torch. Attendees are welcome to bring their own bat detectors. A small number of detectors will be available to share. Only science leaders will handle microbats and photography of bats will not be permitted. A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 18: Reptiles & Frogs - Saturday, 29 March, 6:30 pm ticket
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the nocturnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will be conducted by torchlight at night and include visual searching and hand searching. Visual nocturnal searches use headtorch light to spot active reptiles (e.g., skinks, snakes), as well as eye-shining for geckoes and frogs. Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Dr Chris Jolly is a herpetologist at Macquarie University living in Darwin and recently published the Field Guide to the Reptiles of the Northern Territory. Notes: Bring a torch (ideally a head torch). A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the nocturnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will be conducted by torchlight at night and include visual searching and hand searching. Visual nocturnal searches use headtorch light to spot active reptiles (e.g., skinks, snakes), as well as eye-shining for geckoes and frogs. Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Dr Chris Jolly is a herpetologist at Macquarie University living in Darwin and recently published the Field Guide to the Reptiles of the Northern Territory. Notes: Bring a torch (ideally a head torch). A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 19: Reptiles & Frogs - Saturday, 29 March, 6:30 pm ticket
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the nocturnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will be conducted by torchlight at night and include visual searching and hand searching. Visual nocturnal searches use headtorch light to spot active reptiles (e.g., skinks, snakes), as well as eye-shining for geckoes and frogs. Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Jordan Mulder is a herpetologist and avid wildlife photographer currently employed by Territory Natural Resource Management. Jordan lives in Darwin and has extensive field experience across the Top End. Notes: Bring a torch (ideally a head torch). A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local herpetologists to survey the nocturnal reptiles and frogs of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. Surveys will be conducted by torchlight at night and include visual searching and hand searching. Visual nocturnal searches use headtorch light to spot active reptiles (e.g., skinks, snakes), as well as eye-shining for geckoes and frogs. Participants will have the opportunity to observe reptiles and frogs captured by leaders up close before release on site. Leader: Jordan Mulder is a herpetologist and avid wildlife photographer currently employed by Territory Natural Resource Management. Jordan lives in Darwin and has extensive field experience across the Top End. Notes: Bring a torch (ideally a head torch). A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 20: Small Mammals - Sunday, 30 March, 6:30 am ticket
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Leaders: Professor Brett Murphy is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying aspects of the decline of Northern Australia’s small mammal populations. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Leaders: Professor Brett Murphy is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University and is currently studying aspects of the decline of Northern Australia’s small mammal populations. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00Survey 21: Small Mammals - Sunday, 30 March, 6:30 am ticket
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Leaders: Professor Sam Banks is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University who specialises in genetic approaches to understanding mammal ecology in Northern Australia. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
What: Join local wildlife biologists to survey the small mammals of the savanna woodlands of Casuarina Coastal Reserve. In the early morning hours, participants will visit three fauna survey grids and check a series of specialised traps for small mammals such as northern brushtail possum, northern brown bandicoot and black-footed tree-rat. Basic measurements of animals will be taken before their release on site. Leaders: Professor Sam Banks is a Wildlife Biologist at Charles Darwin University who specialises in genetic approaches to understanding mammal ecology in Northern Australia. Dr Teigan Cremona is a research fellow in arboreal marsupial ecology and conservation at Charles Darwin University. Notes: A list of what to bring and wear will be provided on registration.
10 ticket(s) left$10.00