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Chakra Alignment Program - Crown Chakra

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Chakra Alignment Program

Have you heard of the chakras but not sure how each one informs your daily life, habits and patterns or how to cleanse and rebalance the system?

The chakra system is a foundational cornerstone of Yoga Psychology - where the body and mind intersect, how psyche lives in our body.
Each of the 7 main chakras govern a specific aspect of our lives:

Muladhara (Root) Chakra
Located at the base of the spine. It governs your right to be here and take up space.
We work with this chakra to cultivate strength, vitality and stability. 

Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra
Located an inch below the navel. Governs your right to be feel and experience pleasure.
We work with this chakra to awaken your sensuality, sexuality and creativity. 

Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra
Located around the belly. It governs your right to act and be free (as an individual).
We work with this chakra to cultivate confidence, self esteem and willpower.  

Anahata (Heart) Chakra
Located at the centre of the chest. It governs your right to love and be loved.
We work with this chakra to increase our capacity for love, forgiveness and compassion.

Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra
Located at the pit of the throat. It governs your right to speak and be heard.
We work with this chakra to gain clarity and communicate our truth.

Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra
Located in the centre of the forehead. It governs your right to see (beyond duality).
We work with this chakra to help our imagination, memory and ability to access dreams and visualise the future. 

Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra
Located at the crown of the head. Is governs your right to know (universal truth).
We work with this chakra to remember our Wholeness / Oneness. 

Each week we dive into a specific chakra to explore it in its entirety through the modalities of Breath-work, Guided Meditation, Yoga and Sound Healing.
Walk away with specific foods, mudras, mantras and essential oils, empowering you to continue your healing and rebalancing at home.

$555 Or $80 per single workshop

Option to select all 7 sessions to get the most benefit or to sign up to single sessions of your choice.
Payment plan available.

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