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Sold out$9.00+ $1.49 feeCompanion Cardholders ticket
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This ticketing option permits entry to the Companion Cardholder & their companion. If this ticket option is shown as "sold out", please contact event organisers.
FreeFirst Nations ticket
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@Landbackforstolengenerations is a mob led campaign fighting to return former Sister Kate’s Mission to the Noongar Elders and Stolen Generations survivors who were traumatised by the genocidal acts of the Uniting Church. In November of 2024 these Noongar Yorgas (women) were evicted from their land by the Uniting Church. This devastated the women, the land and their community. Visiting the site of the former Sister Kate’s Mission, it is immediately evident that genocidal acts were committed on that soil. My name is Kurtis (one of landbackforstolengeneration’s volunteers), and I am a Stolen Generations survivor myself and have done many smokings with sandalwood to help ward away the warra wirrin (bad spirits) and sing in my Noongar language on calm mornings to the birds and trees to remind the kwop wirrin (good spirits) that in time we will be able to take care and heal their country. Even with these smokings, it is still not enough to take away the heavy feeling in my gut (kwoboorl) I get when I walk around former Sister Kate’s. The buildings these stolen children were abused in are still here, left to decay by the Uniting Church, the pain of those children left hanging in the air. Our yorgas have a vision to culturally heal the land and to help their community. To bring back the services they were providing before the Uniting Church callously shut them down. Food, clothing, art, culture and healing. I personally cannot wait to see their country when she is given the care she so deserves.
@Landbackforstolengenerations is a mob led campaign fighting to return former Sister Kate’s Mission to the Noongar Elders and Stolen Generations survivors who were traumatised by the genocidal acts of the Uniting Church. In November of 2024 these Noongar Yorgas (women) were evicted from their land by the Uniting Church. This devastated the women, the land and their community. Visiting the site of the former Sister Kate’s Mission, it is immediately evident that genocidal acts were committed on that soil. My name is Kurtis (one of landbackforstolengeneration’s volunteers), and I am a Stolen Generations survivor myself and have done many smokings with sandalwood to help ward away the warra wirrin (bad spirits) and sing in my Noongar language on calm mornings to the birds and trees to remind the kwop wirrin (good spirits) that in time we will be able to take care and heal their country. Even with these smokings, it is still not enough to take away the heavy feeling in my gut (kwoboorl) I get when I walk around former Sister Kate’s. The buildings these stolen children were abused in are still here, left to decay by the Uniting Church, the pain of those children left hanging in the air. Our yorgas have a vision to culturally heal the land and to help their community. To bring back the services they were providing before the Uniting Church callously shut them down. Food, clothing, art, culture and healing. I personally cannot wait to see their country when she is given the care she so deserves.