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ENM Fundamentals and Starting Places

Rat Planet Studios
spring hill, australia
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Relationships Revolution is releasing their "ENM Fundamentals and Starting Places" event to the public for the first time, previously an exclusive invite only event.

With only 14 spots per event it is sure to sell out, so get in quick! 

Join Relationships Revolution for an engaging and educational event designed to introduce you to the world of alternative relationship styles. This event will cover a variety of ethical non-monogamy (ENM) types, explain their differences, fundamental concepts, and most importantly, how to get started!

Our interactive session includes activities, games, and even puppets to better explain ENM dynamics in a fun and approachable way. Whether you're curious about exploring these relationship styles or looking to deepen your understanding, this event offers valuable insights and practical guidance. Come with an open mind and leave with new perspectives and tools to enhance your relationship journey.

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Rat Planet Studios
spring hill, australia