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FREE Film and Feminist Chats, Homelessness Week - Bendigo St

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Event description

Join us for popcorn, good chats and movies, at Library at The Dock, on 7th of July 3-5pm.

WIRE's Film and Feminist Chats is in collaboration with City of Melbourne Libraries.

For this session of Film and Feminist Chats, we are screening, Bendigo ST.

During our chats we shed light of the barriers within the system that people experience and ways we can advocate for change.


Bendigo St documentary came about following the 2016 Bendigo Street campaign. A political protest that involved the occupation of over 15 government owned houses. This documentary shares the voices of the people determined to regain power and control, including First Nation community, squatters, activists, people with a lived experience of homelessness, rough sleepers, and people who traversed all these categories at once. United, the Bendigo St community banded together to utilize empty properties, gaining state-wide discussions about housing affordability, homelessness, and the coloniality of our housing system. Hundreds of people were housed by the campaign during an 8 month period, before they were forcibly evicted.

Jasmine Barzani, the maker of Bendigo St documentary, is based in Naarm. Whilst studying Criminology, her activism is driven by her anti-fascist, and prison abolitionist ethos.

If you would like to support the making of a full feature film, you can donate to: https:

Our Film and Feminist Chats is an opportunity for us to come together with shared values, to connect and to chat our thoughts and views about each film. We will provide beverages, tea and popcorn. Our programs are created by our community for our community to share and empower.

Film length, 20 minutes, with discussion time after.

All women, non-binary and gender diverse people living in Victoria welcomed.

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